The Proposal

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Tatiana Pov:

I thought I could trust this b****.. But instead she was sitting over there pushing her crusty lips across my boyfriend lips!

Tatiana: Get df off my mother******* boyfriend.. You dirty, crusty, skank! No one liked this could be called my sister! You are a low... ugly... dirty rat ! With ya buck teeth a***.. I outta kill ya mother*** a***. You f***** n****!!!!

I popped off on her. I eventually stopped using words, and dragged her by her weave across the floor ...! She screamed but I showed no mercy. I was choking that b*** when finally Tyga pulled me off of her.

Tyga Pov:

Honestly. I was frightened... but the next thing made me mad. Some guys walked past Tatiana and smacked her butt and basically violated her.. Although, they didn't get a chance to finish because before I could go over to them she knocked them out. I had no idea who they were but I could care less. I was just so frustrated.. I just wanted to marry my baby and have the whole world leave us alone. I took Teresa home and told Tatiana to change into something nice. I hit up Chris and told him a plan. I decided I wanted to take Tatiana out so I went home to get ready too.

Tatiana Pov:

Tyga asked me to change into something nice. So I decided to straighten my hair, freshen up and then pick out an outfit. He said nice, so by nice I went sexy. I wore a red slim dress with a gold chain, and some gold pumps.

Tyga Pov:

I knew I had to get fancy for this so I put on a suit and tie. I went and picked up Tatiana.

Tatiana Pov:

I knew I had to get used to this so I told my dad I was heading out. I still wasn't comfortable with calling him dad so I called him Terrance. I told Tasha I would see her later. And for Teresa, I didn't care about her tonight.. But anyway...I went outside and got in a limo. I'm guessing Tyga got it because when the driver opened the door for me Tyga was in there. We drove up to this really pretty diner. We walked inside and sat at a reserved table. I wondered what all this was. We both ordered a red wine.

Tyga Pov:

I looked down at the time. It was time for my plan to be put into action.

Tatiana Pov: We were waiting for our drinks when everybody got up. They all backed. It left me and Tyga in the middle at our table. I didn't know if I should stand up or not. I then seen Chris, Teresa, Tasha, my friends, Rihanna, and...... MY MOM! Tyga then got on one knee.. I couldn't believe it ! Tears filled in my eyes..

Tyga: Tatiana Madison Williams.. We have been through h*** and back.. Is said this all before, and I will say it again.. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are my everything and I don't want to lose you for another 5 months. What we have been through is love. We came through for each other. We have both lost someone we dearly love, I lost two. When you lose love, they say it is hard to love again. But with you I found love again. Love that I thought I lost a long time ago. Tatiana Madison Williams, for the second time, Will you Marry Me?

He pulled out a $100,000 ring. My eyes filled with water... I looked at everyone and they all nodded their heads yes. Even Teresa nodded yes.(Maybe my feelings towards her were changing.) Maybe the fact that my boyfriend was so sexy, just turned her on. After thinking I looked at my mom and she worded yes. I looked back down at Tyga...

Tatiana: YES BABY! A million times yes!

We kissed. It was like a happily ever after for once. But let's see how long this happiness will last..

Ayee this is the first time we didn't leave you hanging. But Imma post the next chapter either soon, later, or tomorrow, or the day after that.. but yeaa


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