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[tale as old as time]

Ring. Ring. Ring

Your eyes flung open.

It was your alarm clock, and that meant..
School. Again.

"my life fucking sucks!", you scream as you bury your face into your pillow, your messy hair covered your sight.

Your brother, Bonyoung Park, peeks his head in.
"Time for school, princess."

You look up,
"Go away, you jerk"

"Rude", he mutters before flinging
open the door and jumping on you.


Your boob felt squished as he pressed his six pack on your back.

You kicked and screamed as he began to elbow your spine.

Finally, he got off because your savior of a dad came barging in.

"Bongyoung, stop torturing your sister and go and get ready for school."

He shot one smirk at you before obeying your dad's orders, "okay, appa."

Your dad sighed and then smiled before closing the door.

"You too, young lady."

You buried your face into your pillow again before whining to your sleeping dog, Kookie.

"I hate this world, I hate my brother, I hate school, I hate everything and everyone! Why does my life suck so fucking bad? Ugh I want death right now."

Kookie looked up at you, sleepily, before getting up, wagging his tail and tongue and jumping on you.

"Yah, kookie! Get off me, you monster", you laugh before picking him off your back and rubbing his stomach.

Your morning was bitchy so far, but your dog was too cute to resist.

After awhile you began to sit up and turn on your phone.

You couldn't even head to Twitter, or Snapchat to send your morning streaks because it was already 07:28 and school started at 08:00.

Rip me, you thought to yourself, as you slowly took Kookie off your lap and set him on your bed before bolting to your bathroom to shower and do your morning essentials.

How amazing, first day of the week and you were already late. What a great day today's gonna be, you sigh. Little do you know that today would be the day you meet your knight in shining armor.

hey loves ! Namjoon x Reader here just because I really love Joon like he's probably second to like oxygen for me on my necessity list *laughs nervously* (no joke yo)
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story and don't forget to vote !!! I love y'all x

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