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[both a little scared]

On your way home, you decided to take the shorter route, through the alley.

Something told you not to, but as stubborn as you were, you went against your gut feeling anyway.

Clutching the box of puppies to your chest with such care, you did not notice seven men masked in black standing a few metres away from you.

Just then, a few blocks away from your house, you heard a bunch horns going off.

You stopped and looked around.

Suddenly, someone grabbed you and taped your mouth, preventing you from screaming.

You were blindfolded and then drugged with diazepam (issa sleeping injection)

Everything went pitch black.


"I think she's awake now" said a vaguely familiar voice.

"Jinyoung, take off her blindfold and her tape. We're out of sight now so she can't call for help" said a voice that made you freeze and begin to sweat.

You knew that sweet and sensational voice all too well.

As soon as your tape and blindfold were taken off, you inhale "Jackson."

He smiled, "that's right, babe. I'm back from the US. Did you miss me? I betcha did ay?" he smirked that smirk you had once fell in love with.

Your facial expression turned cold.

"And why should I welcome you back with open arms? You left me without a goodbye, and now you expect me to immediately fall right in love with you? Please, Jackson, I'm not that cheap. I'm done with you."

One of the guys standing there murmured, "she kinda has a point there, Jackson."

Jackson shot him a death stare.

"Be quiet Yugyeom, or you're going on my 'Kill before this year ends' list." Yugyeom gulped "yes, boss."

Then Jackson returned to me, "ah, my dearest Y/N, I know what I did was terrible, but I'm willing to do anything to make it up to you. I really had no choice, my dad forced me away the second I got home. Now, my love, I'm offering you the chance to be with me, and this time, I will not leave you."

You stared blankly at the him, this could be your chance to get back with Jackson Wang.

Suddenly, and image of Namjoon came to your mind and you instantly knew that your heart no longer belonged to him.

You lifted you head up confidently, "Jackson, I'm sorry but I'm over you."

He chuckled, "I knew you'd say that. Boys, kill her."

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