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Throughout the whole week, your lessons seemed to drag on for what seemed like eternity.

Your daily routine went something like this:

wake up late. shower. eat. go to school with wet hair. skip lunch because you have too much homework. go home. eat. sleep. repeat.

You lost all your snapchat streaks because of this and as heartbreaking as it was, you couldn't care less.

The only thing on your phone you actually cared about was your Spotify™ playlists and Wattpad™. You practically lived on K-pop and JHobiHobi 's stories.

Your appearance was the last thing you cared about.

You were quite surprised that Namjoon still bothered to talk to you, even with the messy and ugly thing you show at school.

Maybe he was just being nice because if he didn't talk to you, no one else would.

Everyone was so caught up with their own problems and so you didn't really matter much to them. Not that it mattered anywa-


You glance down, "Namjoon 🍇💤" sent you a text.

"Hey, Y/N ! you've been looking pretty tired recently??? are you okay??? wanna come over lollll my parents are overseas and my sister is out :")"


Did Kim Nam-joon just ask you whether you're okay and to come to his house, when he is home alone?

You pinch yourself to assure yourself that it is just a dream.

However, when you feel the pain of the pinch, it began to dawn on you that
1. No, it was not a dream
2. Yes, Namjoon is home alone and he asked you over because he thinks you're dead inside
3. It's been 4 and a half minutes since you read that text, therefore he's going to think you are either dead or that you hate him.

You quickly press the message bar and your keyboard comes up. You then slowly type in

'hey man :) yeah i've been pretty tired 😴 but I'm fine ! thanks for asking :D also sure, I'll be over soon! Xx'

You stop typing, why am I agreeing to this? Y/N, you're tired as hell, all you need is a good rest and you should be great tomorrow.

Still, you are unable to press the delete button for your text.

Instead, your good-for-nothing finger presses send.

You glare at it and then flip your phone, which unfortunately does not land on your pillow this time, but the floor.


You flinch.

Then you remember that you promised SOMEONE that you'd be going over soon.

You groan, getting up from your bed and heading over to your closet to pick out an outfit to wear to his house.

Two minutes later, you turn over to see yourself in the mirror and gasp in shock.

You could barely recognize yourself with what you were wearing.

You wore a white crop top, a red and black flannel around your waist with pale white short shorts that had tiny rips on them.

Your hair had magically found it's way into a messy bun with a bit of hair coming out that looked like a side fringe.

For once, you actually looked nice.

Still,  you had only met this dude like last week and you were already dressing up just for him (?).

"Y/N, stop this bullshit." you glare angrily at your reflection.


Just then, you receive a text from Namjoon,
'Y/NNNNNN, where are youuuu :( i'm getting restless'

You blush tremendously, he's such a kid omo, you chuckle to yourself. Might as well just get going. Your shaking thumbs manage to text,

'HAHAHA okay i'm otw'

You leave your house shouting behind you.

"Eomma! Appa! I'm going to my friends house okay? Be back at 8 PM!!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!"

You hear your dad shout back, "okay princess, have fun! Be back at 8 sharp ok?"

You turn around the corner to the street where Namjoon said his house was.

His neighbourhood was the largest one, with huge gardens that were bigger than a football field.

Your jaw dropped as you saw Namjoon's "claimed" house.

It was HUGE.

As you stepped up onto the doorstep, which had to be like 5 feet wide, your eyes scanned it searching for the doorbell.

Finally, you found it and pressed it.

Two seconds later, Namjoon opened the door, wearing a tank top and black ripped jeans with his beautiful brownish hazel hair gelled back.

"Hey Y/N, took you long enough. You look so cute though", he smiled.

"Hey Namjoon. Sorry I was late and uh, thank you?", you found yourself blushing tremendously.

He gestured as an invitation inside.

"How rude of me not to invite you in, Your Majesty.", he smirked.

"Just shut up", you managed between a blush and a laugh.

He shrugged, "suit yourself, my queen".

Can this guy get any better?


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