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[tale as old as time]

I had a pretty normal day, except no one bullied me ; which was a big plus.

I walked through the hallways, carrying my Biology and Chemistry textbooks with me, heading towards my locker.

My day was going pretty well, honestly.


Classes were over for today. Finally.

It's not like I didn't like my classes or my teachers, for they were pretty great. It's just that I was feeling a little liturgic today.

I had made six new friends, and we all treated each other like brothers.

The bullies were all the kingkas of the school, but that didn't matter now since I had my own group of friends who really cared for me.

I plugged in my earphones and started walking towards the campus grounds.

Three of my friends — Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok — were most likely hitting on some of the girls here.

Yoongi had fallen asleep in class which meant he's probably still there.

Seokjin and Jungkook were both in detention for 'talking' in class, even though Jungkook was the one throwing paper airplanes, trying to get them to land on the teacher's desk, while Seokjin had tried to get him to stop.

So I guess it was just me for today.

We all shared a dormitory so I would see them all tonight anyway.

As I walked around the grounds, I heard a faint scream over the blasting loudness of my favourite music.

Turning around, I unplugged my earphones and followed the screams.

Until, I finally reached it.

I never expected to see her here.

"Y/N, holy shit!!"

The kingkas had pinned her against the wall at the back of the school.

"J-joon.. why didn't you t-tell me that you were being bullied.."

She had cuts and bruises all over her face and body and her hair was a mess, but she looked more hurt in her eyes than anywhere else.

I saw betrayal and pain, more than anything else.

The head of the kingkas, Sehun, laughed.

"Yo Kim, this is your girl? She's too pretty and curvy to be yours. Smells sweet as heck too. She'd make a fine toy, right boys?"

The rest of the kingkas bobbed their heads enthusiastically.

He smirked before continuing, "so what do you say? You give her to us and we won't bother you for the rest of your life."

My blood boiled.

How dare they.. do this..

"How dare you touch her. Who the fuck do you think you are? You can bully me all you want, but you do not ever touch my girl" I spoke quietly, trying my best to remain calm and collected.

He simply laughed.

"If she was really your girl, why would you hide the fact that you're an insecure nerd who gets picked on in school?"

I froze at that, as I met Y/N's eyes only to see hurt and betrayal once again.

"Y/N I'm-"

She looked down, "just take me and leave him alone."

My eyes widened, "Y/N No! What the-"

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with tears.

"As long as you're safe and doing well, I'm fine."

Xiumin, one of the other kingkas, cackled.

"You heard her, Namjoon. She belongs to us now and there's nothing you can do about it."

I felt something break inside me, as though a monster that had been held captive for so long had finally been unleashed.

"I'm done with all of you. I'm done with putting up with your bullshit. I'm not going to bow down to you like I'm some peasant."

Everything happened so fast after that.

A minute later, all of the kingkas were down on the floor groaning in pain, blood and cuts all over them.

I looked sideways at Y/N, who looked at me as if she was looking at a monster.


I met her eyes, which were now full of mostly fear.

I looked down at my hands, and saw how furry and bloody they were.

"Y/N, w-what's happening to me..?" I asked her, my whole body shaking.

She got up and brushed off her skinny jeans before walking towards me, her body trembling.

"I-I don't know but, I do know that I won't leave you alone ever again."

I smiled, for the first time in awhile.

"Thank you, baby. I lo-"


I looked up to see a bunch of security guards, holding guns and pointing it at.. me.

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