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[finding you can change]

I didn't think crying had become higher than eating on my daily to-do list.

I must admit, my comeback to his confession was somewhat savage, but that doesn't mean I don't regret it.

It sucks so much when the person you love the most isn't next to you when you go to sleep, achieve something grand, need a shoulder to cry on, and most crucially, love you when you just can't seem to love yourself.

Namjoon, please forgive me.

I haven't left my room for almost two weeks. My brother keeps kicking my door at specifically 0830 and 2030 each day.

Every 12 hours I hear a loud bang, the vibrations of his kick echoing throughout my room and shaking me out of my trance ; staring at the faded pink grunge wall that faced my bed.

Tears staining my cheeks every five minutes.

The saying "cry me a river" makes zero sense to me.

Especially because I've cried oceans for him.


The clock just struck midnight, disrupting the silence of my pity party.

I sighed and rolled out of bed for the first time since.. I can't remember.

Take a walk, your back needs it

I pulled on a jacket due to the drastic change in weather.

Get out of your room. It's been 12 days.

I quietly tiptoe out of my room and down the stairs of my house of pin-drop silence. I frowned.

That's odd, my brother never sleeps this early.

Shrugging it off, I made my way to our huge wooden front door and unlatched, unlocked and applied the biggest moment I could on it.

A/N a moment is a turning force (physics)

I shut it as quietly as I could and embraced the chilly breeze with open arms.

I ran as far as I could, finally stopping at a basketball court around 30 minutes from my house (yes, I ran that far)

Panting, I sat down at the sideline benches. I took out my phone and was about to play music when I heard the sound of a basketball bouncing.

I spun my head and gasped in shock at the figure walking up to me.

He chuckled, "you again."

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