That Girl

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I suppose you could consider me as one of those typical fan girls who cry every time you hear their name or squeal when they post 'hi' on twitter. My name is Clara and I would say that I am the Louis of the group with a crazy personality that no one, not even myself would understand. I just turned 19 last weekend but I don't remember a thing...just a face with greeny blue eyes and being surrounded by a storm of blurring sounds of vehicles and panicked voices.



'Happy Birthday to you, you live in a zoo, you look like a monkey, and you smell like one too!' Beth's voice rings in my ears like there's no tomorrow. I roll over using my pillow as a source of noise barricade.

'Urgghhh, just give me five more minutes!' I groaned but this plan failed as I felt a cold hand wrap around my ankle and drag me to the floor causing me to land on my face with a thud.

Whose Beth? Well, I haven't known her for long but it feels like a have. I met her in my last year at secondary school when I thought I lost all hope in the world to a "friend" that used me for being, well, me...I know that isn't a reason but it's true. Where was I? Oh yeah, I met Beth and her two other friends when I decided to become lazy and sit my ass in the middle of the street...don't judge, I'm a strange child. She and her friends who I've now learned to fall in love with came up to me and sit with me. Avoiding glares from others we learnt so much about each other and from then on have never been torn apart.

Oh yeah, back to the floor facepalm. Me being me, I just laid there. But before I knew it I was being bombarded on by a blonde haired girl and blue eyes that shone in the light.

'Urgh get your fat ass off me!' I giggled whilst trying to wriggle free.

'NEVERRR' came another familiar voice and felt like another tonne of bricks had been dumped on my back.

I used my ninja skills. Pfftttt, me? A ninja? You might as well call a elephant one as I'm as clumsy as a potato. But still, I kicked their butts and ran off into the bathroom before you could say Nandos.

I locked the door and slide my body down it out of breath. I'm not the healthiest person you'll ever meet, the only reason I'll run, is to run to Narnia with the promise of free gummy bears...yes, I know I'm a disturbed child.

I finally decided to get my ass off the floor and scoot over to the mirror to look at my face. I sighed as I pulled up my limp, brown hair into a messy bun and began to apply make up around my grey eyes.

I hadn't heard the girls for a while now and decided that if I do a James Bond move out of the bathroom I'll be able to get changed without being attacked by lunatics. This mission worked and I picked out a lace jumper, plain black jeans and converses and walked into the kitchen.

Our flat was fairly big for the price considering we're in London. It consisted of a open plan living room with glistening table tops and a view looking out into the skyline of London's highlights.

I began to make my self a bowl of cereal but it was quickly stolen by Em. She was the prettiest looking out of our group with her sea blue eyes and wavy brown hair. I can tell you now, I was jelly. But aren't we all? However, she was a sucker for food and trust me no one would get between Em and her food. I suppose you could say that she was the Niall out of the family.

'Hey!' I whined.

'Hey what?' Em grinned back.


'Thats what I thought suckeeerr!' She said as she ran into the living room.

I didn't bother to fight for the cereal as I knew I would lose. I am the strongest out of the two of us but she turns into the Hulk when food is involved.

I gave up eating breakfast and walked into the living room too and plonked my tall body onto the sofa.

'Sup birthday girl?' Beth chimed in as she entered.

'Nothing, just....thinking'

'Come on tell me, I'm a sucker for stories' she turned around towards the door frame and yelled 'LEXI!!!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!! CLARA'S GOT A STORY TO TELL US!!!'

'No I haven't!'

Beth ignored what I just said and asked 'oooo, is it a boy?! I bet it's a boy!'

'Nah it isn't a boy!'

By this time Lexi had just came in and sprawled her small body next to mine looking at me concerned and raising an eyebrow. Let's just say she's the Liam of the group.

'It isn'''s my mum' I muttered and burst out crying cupping my hands into my face.

My mum died when I was 14 after a car crash with several other cars. She was my most important role model in my life as being an only child in a family can be quite .....boring? I know most people will advise to cherish the moment but I think without one I would live in a cave and never come out unless my mum dragged me out. But now she's not here. She always used to make most of my birthdays and I just...missed her.

My dad is really kind and understanding but I never see him as he's always at work so you could say that before these girlies I was a Larry loner...oh well.

Both Lexi and Beth came up to me and slithered an arm around my back and began to trace soothing patterns. Em? Nah, she's still eating. As I said food comes first with her.

'Why don't we go out to get your mind off this?' Beth hushed in my ear.

'Mmmm....I guess' I mumbled.

'Oooo...goodie..where to?' At this point Lexi was jumping up off the couch and doing one of her "dances". I did say she was the Liam of the family but she does have her exceptions. Crazy ones.

'Omg omg omg' Beth chanted 'I've just realised, One Direction are going to a premier in London today! Pease pweeeaaaassseee can we go? I'll make up for your birthday I just have to see them!'. At this point Beth was on the floor doing the traditional beggars movement at my feet.

'Fine' I sighed in defeat. So much for a birthday but I don't care.

'Yay! Omg I don't know what I'm going to wear! Gawwwyyyyssss help me!' Beth is literally on the coffee table with a grin as wide as the moon.

'WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?!!!' Em splurged her cereal out of her mouth. Eww. As she heard the name "One Direction". Let's just say we are HUDGE fans of One Direction. But Beth and Em are the true fans as they confined, converted and broke me and Lexi into being one. But I'm not complaining, the feels. Such wow.

'WE'RE GUNNA SEE ONE DIRECTIIIIOOOONNNN!!!!!!' Beth belted at the top of her lungs.

'EEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!' Both Beth and Em were at this time chanting around me and Lexi who just looked at each other with a humorous expression saying "crazzzyyyy". We burst out laughing and I cried of happiness this time.

'I guess we're going to see one direction'

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