That Girl: Chapter 3

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My head started to spin and I placed my hand over where he thrusted his knife into me and felt blood trickling down my back.

I winced at the pain that now came to my senses and my breathing hitched.

Who was he? Why me? Was all I could think.

I looked up and caught another glimpse at the famous One Direction member who is Harry Styles. Our eyes locked again and before you could say carrots my eyesight became blurry and my knees began to buckle underneath my weight.

I collapsed...

I heard a muffled shout before blackness crept upon me.

I'm going to die.

I'm going to die.

-----------------end of recap----------------

Harry's POV

'Hello fans!!' Louis was currently being an idiot and waving at the the fans through the tinted glass of the limo. No one tells him as he'll never listen.

'Are we there yeeeetttt?' Not now Zayn. He's being doing this for over half an hour now and it's beginning to get on my nerves whilst complaining about how the swaying movement of the limo is ruining his hairstyle.

'NO!!!' Me and Liam yelled at him in unison clearly frustrated at his impatience.

Where's Niall? Well, he's found the limos mini fridge and is now in the corner of the limo like golem hoarding all the food to him self. I just gave him "the look" and smirked at him. What a weirdo.

Niall notices me smirking at him, 'what?'. He looks at me like I had just grown two heads, 'I was hungry alright, management is starving me, I swear it!' He says in a "duh" tone. I just laugh at him and shake my head.

'Where here!' Liam yells.

'Finally!' I hear Zayn mutter.

'Awww, don't be such a party pooper.' I say in a baby voice whilst patting his hair.

'HEY! Get off the hair dude your gunna ruin the perfection!'

'Whatever you say mate.' I reply with a smug grin and proceed to open the door.

Shrieks bellow into my ears as fans scream our names and press ask us for interviews and to turn in their direction for a picture.

'Thank goodness, we're nearly at the entrance I just wanna get to the nibbles!' Niall says in a hushed voice.

'Niall? Do you ever stop eating?'

'Only when I'm sleeping.'

'Pfftttt, that's a lie... You were eating the contents of the fridge whilst sleep walking last night!' Louis butts in.

'So? That doesn't count. Anyways, sleeping takes up eating time and I don't wanna starve, what if we are attacked by pixies in the middle of the night and stole of our food? I'll be the only one prepared and you'll regret not following in my footsteps!' Niall concludes.

'Like that's gunna happen.' I reply.

'Guys! Over here! BBC News would like to ask a few questions.'

Great, another interview. Please let's get this over and done with.

Luckily I don't have to answer many questions and let my mind wonder.

Suddenly I snap out of my day dream and I'm conflicted with an array of questions along the line of; 'how does it feel to be single?' I reply with a load of nonsense and my eyes trail off the interviewer and into the crowd.

I stop and focus on a girl.

There was something about this girl. She made my breathing uneven and made me want to know more about her.

She was the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Her light brown hair shimmered in the sunlight that framed her pale face, oh, her eyes were mesmerising. They were grey with a hint of blue and her irises were surrounded by a golden haze.

I know it's soppy but I believe in true love at first sight and this was just it.

But there was something about her presence that made me worried. Her eyes looked scared and worried.

Was she alright? I should probably go up to her.


Contain yourself Harry. She just a girl.

Again, I was brought out of my trance as I was pushed by the rest of the boys towards another set of interviewers.

As soon as we settled in front of the camera my eyes began to walk off looking for this girl. She wasn't in her previous position.

Where is she?

I was then elbowed in the side by Zayn suggesting I was just answered a question. The rest of the interview was just filled with nods of the head and simple replies.

I was in a blurry haze and was constantly distracted by this one girl.

What is wrong with you Harry?!

My subconscious asks me.

Towards the end of the interview I eventually find the girl again. My eyes instantly lock with hers.

But this time there's something different.

Something's wrong.

She looks like she's in pain but at the same time peaceful.

Before I know it she collapses and gets lost in the crowd.


This can't be happening.

'NO!' I yell into the crowd who are oblivious as to what just happened.

Before I knew it my body was acting before my head and I was shoving my way through the press and the crowds without a care in the world that I was being bombarded with fans.

'GET OUT OF MY WAY!' I bellow at the crowd as I finally make my way over to the girl I've know come to love.

What is wrong with you Harry? You don't even know this girl. But I don't care.

I slouch my body over her and cup her weak head into my large hands.

'SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!' I shout into the crowd hoping someone will react to my instruction.

I notice a speck of water land on her face and I quickly wipe it off her cheek with my thumb. Only until now I hadn't realised that I was crying.

I don't care.

Please stay with me.

'Stay awake. An ambulance is on it's way.' I say sobbing into the crook of her neck whilst rocking back and forth.

No response.

'Come on. Stay strong.' I burst out into moaning sobs and uttering words of encouragement into her ear.

I assess the situation of her collapse.

She was surrounding by a pool of blood.

Oh no.

To my horror I found the cause.

She was stabbed.

'Oh god. I need you to be with us.' I say stroking her limp hair out of her hollow face.

She was dying.


Authors note.

Vas happenin'?

Sorry, I had to say that haha. What are you guys up to?

I'm going into London tomorrow for an art trip. Can't wait.

Sorry the chapters aren't that long as I have a lot of work going on with all of the exams coming up. Yay. My favourite year!

See ya later!


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