That Girl: Chapter 23

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'Oh my god....Harry, you promised' it was Liam. He knelt by the side of me.

'Go and get the first aid kit' he ordered.

And darkness engulfed me once again. What's the point of fighting if it always results in this?

I don't want to fight any longer, there's no point.

The world just wants me dead.

-----------End of Recap------------

Clara's POV

That's me. What feels like I'm on the bed sobbing into these fucking bandages that cover my eyes. I hate myself that I can't go out with Harry, he's perfect. Too perfect for me. And I can't stand seeing someone like him getting hurt because of me and my stupid mistakes. I know your probably wondering what it is exactly but I don't even think I'm ready for this. It's idiotic, I know but that's what comes with the package of being an emotional wreak. Clara. That Girl. The girl no one wanted to talk to. The girl that is always on the receiving end of a crappy dispute.

After what seemed like hours of crying, feeling sorry for myself I imagine a person at the end of my bed shouting...


I giggled at the thought, Beth showed me a vine of someone trying to get out of bed and we never dropped it after that. It's just those little things that keep me going these days.

I sat up from the bed feeling slightly disorientated, talk about getting up on the wrong side of bed. I don't even know what flipping side I'm on! Right. That's it.

I unwind, well, rip the bandages off from my eyes. Fuck what the doctor says I can't stand the feeling of helplessness and people treating me like I'm unable to do things just because if this. It felt weird to begin with. It felt like the wind was pricking my eyes with a sudden gush of cold air. It felt good. It felt like I was alive. I know it probably sounds stupid but I sort of understand why children cry when they can first hear. It makes you feel powerful as you unlock this ability you never knew you had, for me it was only temporary but it felt like years since I last opened them.

Cautiously I opened them, my eyelids peeled themselves in their previous position and I could see speckled dots following me about. It was good to get some sort of response even if it wasn't in HD.

I think I must've been looking towards the window as the colours were getting stronger and brighter every time I looked in that particular direction.

During this time, I let my eyes wonder around the lights that changed as I moved, the feeling was peaceful. I wanted to see more. I wanted to see like I had done so before, before the incident with my criminal. I hated him for it and I soon promised myself that as soon as I was able I would find him. And I would kill him....haha, no, I'm not like that. I just wanted to say it. I would get my revenge for sure, I want him. To feel the same pain I felt when he ruined my life just because of someone else's mistakes. Thinking of mistakes, I haven't heard from my dad at all but I'm not surprised, I don't think he cares about me any longer. He's not like I tough the was. I can't trust him. Can I trust anyone for that matter?

'Harry!' I heard muffling shouts down that hallway but I couldn't quite match the voice to the person.

The shouts became more frequent and banging began to flood onto the door next door. So much for peace.

Although, on knock was pounded on my door 'Clara?' Niall's sweet Irish accent filled my ears.


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