That Girl: Chapter 6

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'Stay there.' The guy said lightly pushing my shoulder back down 'DOCTOR!!' He yelled over his shoulder towards the door and I shuddered at the loud noise.

He realised what I was doing and turned around 'are you ok? I-I'm so s-sorry, I didn't m-mean to hurt y-you.' He stuttered. I could see in his eyes that he was trying to stop from erupting in tears. I could already see that he had from his red puffy eyes.

I decided to put him at ease.

'I'm fine.' I managed to choke out.

But he didn't seem to believe me.

'I'm fine' I reassured him with a weak smile.

'I'm fine' I muttered this time to myself.

I'm fine.

Am I fine?

----------------End of recap-----------------

Harry's POV

I've been here for a few hours now since she woke up. Oh gawwwdd. I probably look like a pedophile gawking over her like this.

She hasn't even spoken to me. Come to think of it it haven't even spoken to her myself.

I learnt that her name was Clara.......Clara Styles....hmmmm...catchy. What? Me? Noooooo.....ok, now I'm obsessed with her. I need to get a life, get swift cover. Urghh, why does the word Swift have to get involved?

Ok, now I'm blabbing on.

At the moment she looked so peaceful in her sleep. So far I have gone unnoticed by management but the boys have been ringing me.

Clara's POV

Ok, he's been watching me for hours now, possessed much? I know I'm good looking and all but there's no need to rub it in my face.

I'm just gunna go to sleep and wait for him to leave.


Still here...


'Ok Miss, your allowed to leave the hospital now. I've checked your stats and everything seems up to date. Just get lots of rest. I'm sure your boyfriend will help you with such chores as getting dressed.' The doctor smiled with a curt nod and left the room.


If I had a drink right now I would be spitting it all the way to Mars.

Speak of the devil.

Harry entered the room rubbing his large hand on the back of his neck as a nervous habit I suppose.

'Look I know this seems kinda of creepy-'

'Ha, you got that right!' I interrupted him.

'Look, what I was trying to say was that......ermmm.....' By this time Harry was looking everywhere but me whilst tapping his foot 'well, Urmmmm-'

'Spit it out Sherlock, I've got a home to get to'

'Ahh, see, that's exactly the thing.'


'The doctor said you, Urmmmm, needed some help? Soooooo....urm.....did you wanna stay at mine? Untilyougetbetterofcourse' Harry stumbled his words.

'Right.' I didn't know what to do. This was Harry freaking Styles we are talking about here. If I said no both Beth and Em would slap me silly until I couldn't see.

Speaking of them.

I haven't heard from them. At all. Where's my phone?

'Wheres my phone?' I unconsciously said.

'Its there' Harry said whilst pointing to a table side holding my phone and passing it to me.

I had 27 missed calls and 32 texts.

I flicked through the senders who were mostly Beth, Lexi and Em. They consisted of;

Where are you?

Omg, Clara please, where are you a just saw you on the ambulance and on TV. Stay strong.

I didn't want to text back. I wanted to go and see them in person.

'Can we go?'




Authors note.

Sorry this one is late, it's 00:20 here and I've been working till late. And knowing me, I'm a lazy ass.

It's short and sweet this time.

I know, at the moment it's quite boring but stay close as it's going to dramatic in the next couple of chapters.

Will Clara find her criminal? Could she know him?

And where's Clara's dad nowadays?

Could he be involved?

So many things but such little time.

See ya in the next chapter!


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