That Girl: Chapter 21

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Nightmare after nightmare about the girls and boys in different scenarios were haunting my dreams. This was the second time I ended up tossing and turning about and trashing my arms about trying to save them but each time it wouldn't work and they kept dying. I hated it.

I was still partially asleep but was aware of my surroundings.

I heard a door open and close near by and a soothing voice filled my ears.

'Shhh, it's ok. It's ok' he said stroking my sweat filled hair out of the way of my face. I felt a pair of arms gently make their way under me and pick me up.

'Its ok'

'Its ok' he repeated.

Is it?

Is it really?

'Cause it doesn't feel like it.

----------End of Recap-------------

Ems's POV

Eventually the sobs subsided and I heard her quieter down. Good. I've just about had it up to here with her and her lies.

As I sat on the other side of the door I thought about all of the good times we had together, I felt like a family and felt like I belonged somewhere but obviously for Lexi it was all a lie.

'Em?' I heard a raspy voice call form further into the apartment.


'Are you ok? I heard some noises and shouting but I didn't think anything about it.'

'Im fine, just Lexi deciding to turn up and plead for my forgiveness, Pfftt, like that bit*h is going to get any sympathy from me or the girls for that matter'

The boys silhouette showed to lean against the doorframe and sigh. 'Maybe you should listen to what she has to say'

'Awww hell no! I don't even want to see her traitorous face again never mind speak to it'

'Please Em, shouldn't you just hear her out, I know with all of this going on isn't helping but maybe she has a point to prove. I don't want to see any of you break up with each other when she did nothing wrong in the first place.' The shadowed figure gestured in the direction of the door 'couldn't you hear her! Because I sure could even being half awake. Please just talk to her.'

I sighed knowing I was getting no where with this guy 'fine'

'Please Em ju- wait what?' He realised acting surprised.

'I said fine. But I'm not forgiving her this easily whether she was involved or not.'

I sat up and opened the door to find Lexi holding herself in front of the door, I wanted to comfort her. I've never seen her like this. But I didn't make a move as I wanted to know the truth before anything else.

The shadowed figure revealed himself to be Liam as he made his way over to her and cradled her in his arms while he carried her sleeping body into the apartment. I followed him as he placed her on his bed and turned to me.

'Maybe tomorrow, huh? She looks exhausted'

'Okay, but I want answers soon I can't stand looking at her face with the probability that she could've known what he did to Harry, Clara and Beth.'

'I know, come one' he said sympathetically and placed a hand on the small of my back guiding me downstairs.

I walked sleepily back over to Niall who was still sprawled over the sofa and snuggled up to him and he automatically looped his arms around me like I was the most precious thing in the world. I breathed his familiar smell of cherries. I don't know why he has that smell but it soothed me without him having to say a word. I let my eyes droop and momentarily forget about what just happened.

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