That Girl: Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

But I still refused. I couldn't afford to concentrate on anything other than her. I frown upon management at the moment as they won't allow me to see her in hospital. They say "you need to think about the fans Harry." Or "what will the press think about this? Do you know this could ruin your career?"....I swear, I've had it up to here with them. They think they can rule my life.

Well, they can't.

As of now I've decided to go and see her, I don't care about my reputation any more.

I'm going to meet my love.

--------------------End of recap-------------------------

Clara's POV


That's all I could see. Blackness.

Well this is fun isn't it?

All I wanna do is wake up and give this shadowed guy a piece of my sumo wrestling skills because I do a mean belly flop.

I could hear everything. The doctors flirting with the nurses for example, urghhhh, they need to get a room. Hello? Semi-conscious patient right here!

But what I also learnt from my excellent eavesdropping -not that I had a choice- what that I was in a coma. Great. More blackness here I come!


It had been a couple of minutes now and I was really bored. I ended up playing the abc game with my self and I was by then singing my way through the whole One Direction album Midnight Memories.

'Are you going to wake up?' A voice uttered behind me.


Now what?

I just, froze.

Then I felt a hand rest on my shoulder.

Ok, now this is creepy.

'W-who are y-you?' I stuttered unable to move for fear of death. Oh wait. I'm already dead. Well, sorta.

'Are you going to wake up?' The voice repeated. What does she mean? I can't wake up as I'm in a freaking coma!

'I can't.' I simply stated. I didn't want to get involved. I was scared.

'You can. Your alive now. Breathing. All you have to do is open your eyes.' The voice replied. I swear, I've heard this voice before. It's so calming and smooth.

Oh no.

It can't be.

She's dead.

'Mum?' I squeaked unable to conceal my emotions.

'Yes darling, I'm here.'

This time I turned around.

She seemed so healthy. So lifelike. So....alive.

She was wearing a Grecian style white dress that hung against her hips and her hair was loosely plaited to the side of her face allowing some strands to wave around her face. All the creases from past arguments had been erased from around her face and her eyes looked in self pity and kindness at me.

'Are you going to wake up?' She softly proceeded to ask.

'How do I wake up? Can I stay with you? I'm scared' I blurted out whilst mesmerised by her presence.

My mum let out a sweet giggle 'no, you can't. You have a whole life ahead of you and most importantly you need to find your criminal.' She sighed whilst furrowing her eyebrows together looking concerned 'all you need to do it concentrate on opening your eyes.'

I listened to every single word she said trying to record her voice in my head. I'm never going to forget this. Ever.

I closed my eyes and constantly thought about waking up.

'Relax' I heard her hush into my ear whilst rubbing calming circles into my back.

'Relax' she uttered again.

'Relax' this time she faded out and began conscious to a constant beeping sound.

'Mum?' There was no reply....

'Mum?' I said desperately, my throat was incredibly sore and dry.

I could still hear that irritating beeping sound. At least I wasn't deaf...."always look on the bright side of life" I sang in my head and giggling at myself. What a saddo I am.

I opened my eyes after a couple of minutes and was greeted by a blinding light. I squinted as the light began to die down and focused immediately on a pair of emerald eyes.

They looked tired and distraught.

'Should I call a doctor?' He asked with a clear sense of worry on his face.

I tried to roll over as I was as stiff as my mum when I visited her in the hospital. Oh. Great one Clara. Now you've just gone and done it. My eyes began to fill with water and began to trickle down my cheek.

'Stay there.' The guy said lightly pushing my shoulder back down 'DOCTOR!!' He yelled over his shoulder towards the door and I shuddered at the loud noise.

He realised what I was doing and turned around 'are you ok? I-I'm so s-sorry, I didn't m-mean to hurt y-you.' He stuttered. I could see in his eyes that he was trying to stop from erupting in tears. I could already see that he had from his red puffy eyes.

I decided to put him at ease.

'I'm fine.' I managed to choke out.

But he didn't seem to believe me.

'I'm fine' I reassured him with a weak smile.

'I'm fine' I muttered this time to myself.

I'm fine.

Am I fine?


Authors note

Hey guys,

This is a little extra chapter today as I kinda got bored with all this revision. I know, it's not helping my grades but I don't give at the moment. So....*gasp*....much......*gasp*


*takes one last deep breath and mutters*


*dies again*

P.s see you in the next chapter!

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