That Girl: Chapter 16

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'Cause You and I

We don't wanna be like them

We can make it till the end

Nothing can come between you and I

Not even the Gods above can separate the two of us

No nothing can come between you and I

Oh, you and I

You and I

We could make it if we try

You and I, you and I' I was a mess. This is a mess. I didn't realise until a teardrop embedded itself into my dirty trousers that I was crying.

Don't be so pathetic Harry.

-------------End of Recap-----------------

Harry's POV

Yes, that's me. Right there. In a basement. Tied with chains. After singing that song my mind was clear on what I needed to do. I need to escape this place with Clara and leave her life. She didn't deserve what I brought upon her life.

Eventually, I formed enough room for my large hands to fit through a slack gap that I made in the chains. I immediately relaxed my arms and put them by the side of my boys shaking them about trying to get all the blood back into them. They feel so fuzzy and ache like crazy but I will have time to complain about that after I get us out of here.

After a few moments of recollecting myself I made my way over to Clara's unconscious body. I thought about leaving her the way she is and carry her out but I don't think my body is strong enough for that kind of commitment. I need to wake her. It's a joint effort.

'Clara?' I shook her hunched shoulders in an attempt to wake her up.

'What?' I heard her croak into a whisper.

'Im going to get you out of these chains ok but I need you to help me. Can you do that?' I said in deep concentration trying to slack her chains noticing the blood that was caused by them rubbing against her wrists.

She didn't say anything but nodded weakly still hunched over.

'Ok' I got the chains in a position so that I could release her with one swift movement. 'On the count of three I'm going to release you. You ready?' I didn't wait for a reply. 'One...'



'Harry I can't.'

'THRE-' I said releasing the chains while she said something.

'HARRY I CA- AHHHHHHH!!!!!!' She screamed in pain.

It deafened my ears but caught her as she fell towards the ground holding herself.

She started hyperventilating.

'Harry. Harry. Harry.' She repeated. 'I-it h-hurts' she stuttered whilst breathing unevenly. Her eyes began to well up. I hate seeing her in such a state.

'Shhh. Baby it's ok.' I said rubbing soothing circles into her back 'take deep' I said doing a mini demonstration and she copied me and her breathing almost instantly became steadier.

'I can't Harry.' She gestures with her shaking hands towards her head. 'I can't see'

'Shhh, don't think like that, it's probably because we're in the basement. You'll see' I said cradling her in my arms and wiping a stray hair away from her face.

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