That Girl: Chapter 19

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'Please Em' she looked up at me with sad, hollow and pleading eyes 'Let me explai-'


And with that a grabbed ahold of her hair making her whimper but I didn't give a sh*t and literally threw her into the hallway. I slammed the door shut not wanting to see her crappy little face. Pathetic. She's just pathetic. In no way am I going to forgive her for what she did to us. She ran off with a killer, criminal whatever the fu*k you want to call him.

She's no longer the friend i thought she was.

I slid down the other side of the door and sighed angrily.

I heard sobs coming from the other side of the door but ignored that annoying bit*h.

But this have me time as to what just happened..........

How did she know where the boys lived?

And how the hell did she know we were here?!

----------End Of Recap-----------

Lexi's POV

After what seemed like eternity I peeled my eyes open and was welcomed with a throbbing headache and a bright light flooding in from the window. Remembering what happened the night before I began to panic and my eyes immediately searched for that sickly familiar smell of my "boyfriends" aftershave. Luckily I met nothing of the sort and proceeded to lift my small frame off of the bed. I stopped after a shot of pain was sent through my body which rooted from my inner thighs.

It hurt like "sex is on fiiirrrrreeee" I sang in my head. Lexi, this is no time for songs, I really am not helping myself.

I walked, well, waddled over to what I thought was the bathroom and assessed my situation. My face was a mess and I could see tear stains that puddled under my eyes, my lose t-shirt hung pathetically over my body. I needed to get rid of this.....this look.

I need to get out of here as soon as possible.

Although, despite knowing where I was I didn't care and turned the shower on.

I heard a sound of clattering over the sound of the shower but ignored it. I know I should react but I've lost all motivation to do so.

Taking my hair out of its temporary pony tail, I stripped from my manky clothes and hopped into the shower. I let the water trickle down my body for the majority of the time as I felt the warmth that soothed my tense muscles.

This time gave me a chance to think without any worries about other people waiting to go into the bathroom or a man coming to abuse me. Well, hopefully.

I sang in the shower without a care whether someone could hear me to Moments by One Direction. Yes its ironic singing their song, but the words meant so much more to me whilst I was in this situation.

'Heart beats harder

Time escapes me

Trembling hands

Touch skin

It makes this harder

And the tears stream down my face' the last line was ironic really as I was using the water that tracked down my face to cover up my own tears. I needed to hide away and cry. There's no need to block up feelings as the pressure becomes so great and I end up snapping at someone I shouldn't. And in this case it would be my "boyfriend" and I wouldn't be looking forward to the outcome if I did take it out on him.

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