That Girl: Chapter 26

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How are you guys? Sorry I haven't updated recently, it's nearly the end of the half term holidays unfortunately. I would also like to apologise for the numerous changes in point of view but I wanted to include some of the other characters that haven't been in the story recently. Hopefully I will also be able to give you guys a break in the next chapter without a load of dilemmas or scenarios haha and make it.....funner?

Don't forget that I also have a new story called 'one last breath'

See ya in the next chapter?


- Somebody_or_Nobody


'Thank you, Beth you've helped me a lot' I say and begin to walk off but she doesn't follow 'are you coming?' I ask.

'No, I think I'll just stay here for a bit. Just to' she pauses 'think' she finishes giving me a weak but betrayed smile.

Have I done something wrong?

'About you' she adds but it's almost a whisper.

Part of me thinks that she didn't want me to hear that.

----------End of Recap------------

Louis' POV

I carried on walking a couple more steps and hesitating with each stride unsure what to do with myself. I knew I had to say something but I didn't know what, "hey Beth wanna go out?" Or "what's up you seem like you need lifting up yourself". The first option would never be possible and it's too soon so I decided on the second one. Biting my lip, chewing down the skin left down to it's raw edges making it sore, I twizzled around to face the girl in the swing that let her dirty blonde hair fall and cover up her face.

She never moved from the swing since I turned around and she looked almost alone and in her own world but I didn't question it as a lot of us have been doing it also thanks to the recent events.

'Hey, Beth' I said trying to sound as casual as possible but I gained no response as she stared intently at the ground in front of her delicate body. I walked closer knowing that the only way to snap her out of it was to get in her bubble. The boys hate it when I do this to then but sure as hell it works.

'Yoooohhoooooo' I said wafting my hand in her face. This eventually brought her back into reality as she blinked rapidly and looked up at me smiling slightly but it didn't reach her eyes.

'Oh, hey' she sounded like someone had squished her cat or something 'sorry I like to go off into' she paused and butted her eyebrows together as if she was thinking deeply about it 'I don't know' she finished with a giggle.

'Hey erm, I kinda felt bad for leaving you like that, so' what else do I say? I'm not good at this stuff 'I'm here!' I exclaimed thrashing my arms out to my sides earning another giggle from Beth. Gosh she's cute. I need to stop. I'm with Eleanor. I shook my head to clear my thoughts which did nothing but make me dizzy. I see them do it in films, why not in real life? 'Ok that was a fail' I murmured under my breath.

'Humm?' Beth asked vacantly again.

'Oh nothing it doesn't matter. I know, why don't you and me have a walk around the park. I know I said I was going to go back in and apologise but I still don't think I'm ready yet. I need to work out what I'm going to say.' Beth doesn't say anything like she's still not with me but in autopilot mode. I didn't say anything again as she got up automatically and began to walk in silence. We walked thought the park and I tried to busy myself with various questions as to how many benches or lampposts were in the park. I'm surprised no one noticed me, after all we are in Hyde Park. Not the best memories were made here but I love this place as it's so relaxing and spacious so you tend not to bump into people we do-

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