That Girl: Chapter 7

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I had 27 missed calls and 32 texts.

I flicked through the senders who were mostly Beth, Lexi and Em. They consisted of;

Where are you?

Omg, Clara please, where are you a just saw you on the ambulance and on TV. Stay strong.

I didn't want to text back. I wanted to go and see them in person.

'Can we go?'



------------------------End of recap------------------

Clara's POV

The car ride with Harry was silent, what the hell would you say to a famous popstar? "I like your hair Harry", "oh, and yeah, what's your favourite number?".

But I didn't mind the silence as it gave me time to think about my encounter with my mum and who my mystery criminal was.

'Is this it?' Harry asked pointing to a tall, glass building that held my apartment.

'Yes' I said in a monotone voice not wanting to start a conversation. Awkward.

He parked the car in the car park and got out and came to the passenger seat and opened the door.

'I got it' I said bluntly. Could this get any more awkward.

Harry ended up aiding me all the way up to the apartment.

I hadn't texted any of the girls as I wanted to surprise them. We got to the door and was welcomed by an array of singing from all three girls. Some accurate. And some, let's just say, not so accurate. But what can I say?

You could tell they missed me. Even if one of us got killed we still had our crazy moments to say the least.

I stumbled over to them as Harry left my side to collect the bags that were still in the car, it felt weird and cold but I just shrugged it off.

The girls still hadn't noticed my presence as Lexi was singing into her hairbrush with her eyes closed, Beth was on he knees on the floor doing one of her famous asthma laughs and Em was doing "pat the dog and screw the lightbulb".

Em suddenly stopped and her eyes bulged wide like she had seen a ghost.

Did she see me? No. She wasn't looking in my direction.

Before you could say vas happnin' she ran in the direction of the bathroom clutching her stomach. This meant that she had to go past me but still managed not to see me. However I guess Lexi and Beth followed in Em's direction as they caught a glimpse of me and I ended up being sandwiched between two bubbly girls.

'Are you ok?' Lexi asked whilst hugging me tighter, I winced at this and she noticed I was in pain. 'Awwww sh*t, sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you I'm just so excited'.

'Its ok, it's not your fault.' I reassured her.

Again, I was being bombarded with a series of questions in all directions and explanations that they were celebrating one of Beth's idols; @mynameschai on twitter mentioning her.

'Shut it ya muppets!' I yelled to the best of my ability and they both just stared at me waiting. 'Whats up with Em first?'

They both looked at each other as sniggered.


'Well, you know Em and her food?'

'Yes?' I didn't see where this was going,

'Well, she was hungry and could wait for some food to cook so just ate it raw, meaning that she's-' the pair of them started laughing their heads off and it took them a good couple of minutes to come to some sorta normal state.

'Yeeeeesssss?' I asked getting impatient.

'Shes got the squits!' They both burst out laughing again and I could help but join in. Sorry Em but your such a Niall.

Speaking of Niall and One Direction, where was Harry?

Just as I mentally asked that he came through the front door, arms full of my clothes looking flustered.

I turned back around to face the girls who looked like they were going to faint.

'O-MY-GOOOOOOOOOODDDDD!!!!!!' They both squealed banging their feet on the floor.

'What? What's wrong?' They both just looked at me with straight serious faces.

'Your kidding me?!' Beth said. 'Hello? Are you awake? Because HAROLD FREAKING STYLES JUST WALKED INTO OUR APARTMENT!!!!'

'Oh yeah. Hi Harry, thanks for taking me and my things here.' I said to Harry genuinely appreciating what he's done for me.

'Errrrr...yeah.....t-that's fine' he stuttered whilst rubbing the back of his neck.

Just at that point Em just came out of the bathroom which so happened just to be where Harry was standing near and Em's stopped in her tracks. Just, staring at him in awe.

Harry immediately brought his hand up to his nose to pinch it. 'Phew, girl! I swear your like Niall! What did you eat?! Because that sure stank like you just offloaded a tonne of horse manure!'

Em went bright red and muttered a 'sorry' and walked over to us.

We couldn't help it but burst out laughing and crying from pure happiness, but I grabbed my back in pain after a few chuckles.

Harry noticed I was in pain and quickly came over to me.

'Are you ok? Should I get an ice pack? Where are the frozen peas?'

'Im fine don't worry'.


Harry ended up leaving after a couple of minutes afterwards as the atmosphere was so awkward. Famous or not I wanted him to go.

All three turned around to me in unison. 'I think we need' Em said. Oh no. Interrogation alert... Abort mission. I repeat, abort abort!

'I better be getting to bed' I said jabbing my thumb towards the door frame and began to get up careful not to pull my back in a certain way.

'Not so fast young lady, we would like to ask a few.......questions' Lexi remarked with a smug grin whilst grabbing my wrist.

By this time I was sat in the middle of the sofa whilst the others crowded round me. Beth and Lexis eyes burning into my blue ones whilst Em's eyes had trailed off to a plateful of grapes sat on the kitchen counter.

'So' Beth started.

'So?' I questioned.

'Ermm, could you ask out Niall for me?' Em butted in.

I sighed, I thought this would be about Harry bringing me here but they had other things on their mind, thank goodness, I don't think I would've been able to explain as I'm not sure what happened my self anymore. I opened my mouth to speak but I was interrupted by Lexi and Beth at the same time.

'What about Louis for me? Oooooooo or Chai? Mmmm so many choices' Beth asked looking deep into thought whilst Lexi spoke her turn.

'Liam?' She quietly asked.

I don't understand these girls. One minute they look like they're going to kill all bunny rabbits in the world and the next they're debating which famous person they should go out with.

This is going to be a long night.



Authors note

This ones a but longer today and I hope you guys like the update.

I thought this week would never end, I've been so busy with mock exams I've had no proper time to have any 'me time'. That's the beauty of being in year 11.

See ya guys in the next chapter!


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