That Girl: Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

'Hello.' A dark voice came from behind me.

'You must be Harry'

I froze on the spot.

There was something about his voice that didn't sound right.

I span around to see a pair of beady eyes smirking at me.

This isn't good.

-----------------End of Recap------------------

Beth's POV

Well. That's me. Lying on the ground. Alone. Crying......YAY! Its just my day.

I haven't even met up with Chai yet, should I go to him?


He can't see me like this.

Eventually I forced myself to stand up and fiddled around in my purse to find my phone. What an idiot. That plonk has still got my phone. Desperately I looked around in search of someone and my eyes rested upon a man in his mid thirties in trakie suit bottoms and a scrappy white t-shirt. He didn't look the most inviting but neither was anyone else around here. He was the only one on his own so, me being me, I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder.

The man instantly turned around and his faced turned from glum to a creepy smirk.

Great. Beth this isn't a good idea. The creep just wants to get in your pants. I mean, just look at the creeps face, does this place seem as a trust worthy place to be asking?

My subconscious mocked me but I just ignored her knowing she was right but I needed help and fast.

'Hi' I nervously looked at the ground trying to avoid eye contact 'could I borrow your phone please so I can ring' come on Beth, think. I don't wanna be telling this creep what just happened.

'Yes?' The man urged me to carry on.

'So. So I could ring a taxi?' It came out as more of a question more than an answer.

'Ohhh. Darling I'll save you the hassle and take you myself' he looked at me sympathetically but his eyes said otherwise. I began to walk with him and he slithered his hand on my back guiding me to his car.


This is wrong. 'Errrr. No, it's fine honestly.' I replied trying to stay calm and polite. I didn't want any more hassle. Not now.

'Ahhhh, my flower, I don't mind to help a young' he paused 'and helpless girl like you' he insisted.

'No I can walk' I said hurriedly and slipped out of his grasp heading in the opposite direction

'Oy!' The guy yelled which was followed by footsteps quickening up. 'Come back here you lil' slut!'.

So much for a kind nature.

In response. I ran as fast as I could as my eyes searched for some sort of help. I found a glimpse of business men talking in a group. They looked nice. Right?

I changed direction and ran to them.

'UUURRRGGHHHH!!!' Me and another person groaned as we suddenly collided with each other. I ended up falling on top of them. I'm such a clutz, two people in one day?! What's wrong with you Beth?

I looked up to see who it was 'oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to!' I said quickly and began to get up before the person, I now learned to be a male, grabbed onto my wrist.

'No! Wait! Beth? Is that you?' He questioned.

I yanked my arm out of his grasp, looked away from him and snapped 'get off me! Leave me alone!'

'Beth it's ok. It's me.'


I heard him chuckle behind me. 'No, Beth. It's Chai. I was meant to go on a date with you but you didn't turn up. Are you ok? You' He asked me.

I continued to face away from him as I spoke, I didn't want him to see my face. I was a mess. Not to mention my face covered up in blood. I bet I look so attractive right now. Huzzah! Now I know why I'm getting all these stares from people! I'm so sexy! God Beth your turning into Harry!

'I-I'm fine.' I stuttered then I remembered about the phone. 'Errrr. Could I borrow your phone?'

'Yeah? I don't see why not' I guess Chai got out his phone and handed it to me whilst I was still facing away from him I took it with my right hand which had my blood on. Oh great move Beth! Note the sarcasm. He must have noticed.


'Mmmmm?' I replied knowing what he was going to say.

'Are you sure your alright? Well, errrr, I just saw you had blood on your hand.'

Quick Beth come up with something. 'Ermmmm, I cut myself on a......a nail'

'Thats an awful lot of blood for such a small accident'

' was a big nail?'

I heard steps coming closer 'Beth?' As this point tears were pricking my eyes and I felt a pair of hands rest on my shoulders and begin to spin me around. Nu uh, he wasn't seeing me like this. I tried to turn the other way to avoid him seeing me. But it failed as I came into eye contact with him.

'Beth?' He repeated and held a hand up to my face and wiped away my tears that I didn't even know that had fallen. 'What happened love?'

I didn't answer.

I just stared into his deep, chocolate eyes. He was wearing his signature beanie that covered the majority of his curly hair. He wore a casual pair of jeans and a t-shirt with "you tube" on which was covered by a grey hoodie. Gosh he's cute. Cute? Did I say cute? Sorry, but he was phenomiNIALL! Yes, One Direction had to come into this "one way or another"! Haha. I should be a comedian. Right Beth. Off topic again.

I gazed back down to my feet 'can I borrow your phone please. I don't want to talk about it' I mumbled.

He put his hand under my chin and lifted it up so my eyes locked onto his brown ones and kissed my forehead avoiding the cut. OMG OMG OMG!!!! IM SORRY! I DONT CARE ABOUT MY SITUATION RIGHT NOW! MYNAMESCHAI JUST BLOODY KISSED ME! ME! BETH MOTHER FUDGING HARRIES!!!!!. Ok. Deep breath...and back to normal. Now.

'Do you me want to call the police? An ambulance? The fire brigade? Because I would do anything right now to hear that same Beth that I heard over the phone.' He smiled weakly at me caressing my cheek wiping some of the blood away.

'Just-just the police. It''s Clara.' I looked back over in the direction of "the boys head" and sighed. 'Her stabber has got her. We need help.'

'Its ok Beth. We'll get her out. Safe and sound.'


'Its my pleasure.'


Authors note

Hey peeps.

Sorry this update isn't that long. Come to think of it hardly of them are.

This chapter in my opinion is quite boring as there is hardly any action. Don't gooooo, please staaaaayyyyy, with meeeeee. (I bet you sang that). Don't worry. In the next chapter or so all hell is going to break lose and Em and Lexi will make their appearance!

What are you guys up to?

I've just been to the cinema and frankie and bennys. I think my parents were also talking about going segwaying -if that's even a word- tomorrow which should be fun!

See ya in the next chapter!


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