That Girl: Chapter 18

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I screamed at every chance I could and bit him whenever I had the chance.

But it was never a good choice as I was only going to be the victim of another blow to the stomach or may be even the face if I was lucky.

I couldn't take it any more. I just wanted to forget what was or is happening.

I forced myself to scream one last time as my only plan was to be knocked out my a punch to the face to get rid of all of this.

Luckily for me it worked as I felt a blow to the face and darkness quickly followed.

My last thought?

I'm sorry Harry.

I'm sorry I blamed you.

-------------End of Recap--------------

Em's POV

I don't understand why she would do that. She saw us, all of us with her own eyes that her dick of a boyfriend, Harry, Beth and Clara were all connected. Clue number one: blood?!

I mean it was plainly obvious she just couldn't get it through her thick skull could she? Actually, she's probably in on all of this. She smart and he would use her for it. How Lex? How? What happened to the Liam characteristic I knew? I don't know who she eve is anymore. I cant stand the sight of her anymore. It sickens me to even think of her.

Harry was escorted off by Zayn, Chai soothed Beth and Harry carried Clara into the back of the car. The po po? Screw them. They didn't even bother turn show their sorry ass' so we just gave up waiting for them and made our way in the direction of their apartment.

If it was any other day I was be fan girling and screaming to the moon and back without a breath. Well, maybe one or two. It is a long way you know. But I can save that for later when I know Beth and Clara are ok. Overall, we haven't known each other for long but we know each other like the back of our hands. From what our favourite colour is to when our first periods were. Ermmm, too much I guess. I'll shut up now. Too deep Em, too deep.

Now? I was resting my head onto Niall's broad shoulder and his arm made it's way around my waist. I was comfortable knowing I had found someone who I truly trusted other than the girls, and I knew, the first day I met him he was the right person for me. The only arguments we had were over who got the last piece of pizza as we were both as bad as each other when it came to food.

Clara's bleeding had stopped for now but Liam was tending to her head whist Harry had collapsed on Zayn out of exhaustion.

We never realised where we were until Louis caused the car to come to an abrupt stop.

'We're here Zayn wake up Harry, Liam carry Clara and Niall, ermmm, do what your doing. I'll take care of Beth here.' He ordered but ended up turning to Beth who was in the front with him and squeezed her hand in reassurance and smiled at her. Awkward turtle for Chai who just sat there awkwardly and coughed slightly which brought them back to reality. Louis blushed and turned away and got out.

Following Louis' orders we made our way into their apartment.

'Whoah' I gaped

Niall chuckled by my side and clapped his hands together in the process.

'Yeah, this is home. We thought we would take you to our place, after all we've got the space for you lovely ladies.'

At that comment I hadn't noticed I started blushing and he turned to me with an evil smirk. 'Awwwww, is Em touched?' He said taking the mic of me and began to move his hand to my head and started to pat it. My reflexes took over and I immediately found myself whacking away his hand and punching him in the stomach.

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