That Girl: Chapter 14

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He put his hand under my chin and lifted it up so my eyes locked onto his brown ones and kissed my forehead avoiding the cut. OMG OMG OMG!!!! IM SORRY! I DONT CARE ABOUT MY SITUATION RIGHT NOW! MYNAMESCHAI JUST BLOODY KISSED ME! ME! BETH MOTHER FUDGING HARRIES!!!!!. Ok. Deep breath...and back to normal. Now.

'Do you me want to call the police? An ambulance? The fire brigade? Because I would do anything right now to hear that same Beth that I heard over the phone.' He smiled weakly at me caressing my cheek wiping some of the blood away.

'Just-just the police. It''s Clara.' I looked back over in the direction of "the boys head" and sighed. 'Her stabber has got her. We need help.'

'Its ok Beth. We'll get her out. Safe and sound.'


'Its my pleasure.'

-------------------End of Recap-------------------

Em's POV

So here we are. In a fancy restaurant and Niall, being the gentleman he is, ordered a meal for two........for him self. Haha, I know what you are probably thinking: Pfftt gentleman my ass but I was kind of expecting it. Come on, it's Niall we are talking about here. Me? I ordered a salad. Mmmmm salad, *sarcastic voice* my favourite! I was trying to be polite I guess?

Now, I'm watching and most likely drooling at Niall digging his teeth into a of tender meat. Ok cut out of it Em! I finished my salad and was prompted to steal a chip from his plate and before I knew it I was just doing just that. I heard Niall growl at me and slapped my hand away.

'Off! My food!' He said tearing off another piece off of a BBQ spare rib.

'Awww Niaaallll' i fluttered my eyelashes 'just one chi-'

My persuasion was cut off by a blur of Niall's phone. Finishing his mouthful he held up a finger to silence me and answered it.

'Hello?......yes, I'm with her now, why?' Niall spoke in confusion. 'Oh god, is Beth ok?!............ok! Where do you want to meet up?.....ok......Don't worry Chai I'm sure they are ok. Just stay put....did you call the police?....yeah?.....ok....bye.' He ended the call and abruptly stood up.

'We have to go Em'

'Why? What was that all about?' I questioned.

'Ill explain whilst we are in the car, but please don't freak out, alright?' He said with his eyebrows knitted together in concern whilst grabbing a piece of meat into his mouth.

Well, that doesn't help Niall, thanks a lot.

We walked into his car and he explained what happened as he drove to wherever we were driving.

'Beth, is she ok?'

'Shes fine Em, don't worry about it just a few cuts and burns.'


Niall sighed. 'Were you not listening Em? The guy burnt her with a lighter and Harry and Clara are still in there.'

I sighed in response and looked out if the car window. Ever since the stabbing our lives have been turned upside down. There's only going to be so long until someone gets killed and all for what? Nothing! There's only so much we can take, Lexi has already been taking it the hard way, she has been staying in her room ever since Beth spoke to Chai over the phone. Maybe she knew? How can she? Stop it Em your being an idiot. I think when me and the girls get home tonight we need to talk to her. I can't stand seeing her with bags under her hollow eyes and with a constant sad expression. Awwww, bless her little cotton socks. Its ok Lex, we'll get through this. It's times like this when I think whether we should actually hang around with the boys, it's only going to be so long until the paps and fans find out about this. And relating back to when they found out about Eleanor and Danielle, it's not going to be taken lightly. I came to decision. We have to leave the boys or suck it up and be strong for ourselves and each other.

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