That Girl: Chapter 17

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Lexi's POV

And before I could react to the scene in front of me I was pulled away in a brisk movement.


What happened?

Em's POV

That two faced Bit*h.

How could she do this to us?

So much for friendship

-------------End of Recap------------

Lexi's POV

I was so confused. There. My emotions. Le fini. I had no other words to explain what exactly I was feeling right at this moment in time.

What was I doing now? Running. Well, more like being dragged by my boyfriends ever tightening grasp. I didn't understand why we have to run? We did nothing wrong. He did nothing wrong.

As the streets and alleyways blurred passed us it gave me a chance to really think.

Oh damn it Lexi! How could you be so stupid. Wasn't it just a kiwinkidink that I came down into the basement to come to face to face with my bloody faced boyfriend only to be confronted with Beth, Clara and Harry looking like hell with blood streaks everywhere? I think not.

Did Harry beat my boyfriend up? Nah he couldn't have done, it isn't like it? I read in magazines that he can have a "darker" side but I never believed it as it's the paps making this sh*t up normally. But then again....what if they were telling the truth? I doubt my boyfriend would've done such a thing, he's so kind and generous.

Eventually, we came to a stop in front of a rather run down flat.

'We will be staying at a friends house tonight while I get things' he paused for a moment 'sorted out'.

'But, why aren't we going back to yours'

He sighed in annoyance and gripped his hair in his hands 'we are not going back Lex' he pointed to the flat above us 'we are staying in there ok?'

I didn't want to argue with him and just muttered ok and nodded in agreement. I've never seen this side of him, but I don't blame him as it's not everyday that you get beat up by a lunatic. So, does this mean I'm blaming Harry? I don't know. But who else it could've been, Beth nor Clara can do damage like that.

so you are blaming Harry.

My subconscious blatantly said. I knew she was right but didn't want to believe it. What if he was like this to the girls? I can't bare to see them get hurt because of a man who can't control himself.

My boyfriend gently pushed me in a sense of quickness towards the door of a flat and he knocked on the door multiple times and a man in his late twenties answered.

'Awwww hey there mate, come in' he said and as we walked in he smirked at me. I hated him as soon as I saw him and I could feel him breathing down my neck sending shivers down my spine. He directed us to an tattered sofa in the middle of the room, if you want to call it a room go ahead. But it didn't feel like one.

You probably wondering why I never say what my boyfriends name is. To be brutally honest, I don't know myself. I know, it sounds dodgey going out with a guy you don't even properly know but he'd always say to avoid it as it was, as he'd say, "classified". That's what made me think he worked for the government or something but I quickly shook it off as soon as I saw where he lived. I know, I'm so judgemental but it was kind of obvious he didn't work in that department. I mean, he never got off his lazy ass unless it was for a beer or just now when he was running from something. In fact that was the first time I saw him run. Haha. He looked funny.

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