That Girl: Chapter 10

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Em's POV

I decided to go to my room to get ready for my date with Niall.

Haha, I know right. Shocked much?

Me and Niall met after a few days after Clara's stabbing whilst he was trying to comfort Harry whilst he cried. Gosh I've never seen a man....Pfftt man?! Cry so much. We began talking to keep our minds off Clara and found out we had nearly everything in common from our love of food to the haven of Nandos itself.

I guess we just...clicked?

-------------End of recap-----------------

Beth's POV

Clara's face drained of all the rosy colour that was previously in her face but, the best friend I am, I was too busy being a dork and panicking on what to wear to my date with Chai.

I ended up settling on a simple red dress that went with my dirty blonde hair which I curled at the ends. I applied little to no makeup as I'm useless at it and end up looking like a clown on drugs....urghhhh, *shudders* I hate clowns. Urghh, great Beth! Now I'm not going to get to sleep for the next couple of days.

Oh right, I'm blabbing on again! I decided on wearing my favourite black heels as I felt grown up physically but never mentally as I don't think most of us could handle the brain capacity.....I'm getting an overload just thinking of it.

'Are you ready yeeeett?' Em whined through the other side of my bedroom door. Haha, no one hardly comes into my bedroom as it freaks them the fu*k out with all the posters of One direction and many other bands that I fantasise about staring down on them. Ha, suckers they don't know what they're missing!

'Yeah, just a sec' I said fiddling round looking for my phone and purse. I'm losing everything these days. I can't find my phone anywhere.

'I can't find my phone Em, do you know where it is?'

'Urmmmm I don't know' Em replied and I heard her chant something I heard from X-Factor, "where me keys? Where me phone?" Em I do worry about you sometimes. 'OOOOOO COOKIES!!' Well, most of the time.

I guess I'll just have to do without and if Chai abducts me, I'm fine with that anyway. I gave up and came out of my bedroom finding a beautiful Em dressed in her favourite duck egg blue maxi dress with her hair tied up in a simple bun. My god she's going all out for Niall....she must be in loooove! Well. Except for her face which is covered in Oreo crumbs. Niall she's cheating with the Oreos on you!

'Come on.' I said ushering her to the front door, down the lift and into the taxi leaving our apartment and it's contents behind.

Come to think if it.

Where's Clara?

Clara's POV

Ever since it got that text I've been so paranoid looking around every corner and down every ally way when I'm out and about. I haven't spoken to Harry recently to thank him properly for all of the things he's done for me and the girls but I'm not up to it at the moment.

Currently, I was pushing my way through a gathering crowd trying to get past everyone to get to my only hideout away from all my worries. The park. I know right? So original, and soppy. But I don't care as it helps me relax whilst I write stories on wattpad.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I glanced down to my phone and answering it without bothering to look at the ID.

'Yellow?' I said casually, still trying to make my way through the crowd.

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