That Girl: Chapter 20

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All of that flashed before my eyes. The feeling of my feet dangling off this window ledge reminded me exactly of it. It felt like I was escaping from something. Well, I guess I was.

But I knew, I needed to get out of here. I know most other people would've jumped by now. But it was so difficult. It was like I was having an internal conflict with myself. My heart and my head.


I jumped. I jumped knowing I would be safe at the end of the fall.

But it didn't feel like it.


I jumped and fell.

I fell

----------End Of Recap-----------

Lexi's POV

When I landed on the ground the impact on my knees were heavy causing my legs to buckle under my weight. I layed ther, thinking for those presious couple of seconds were I had no worries. I had no one after me. I had no one else to care about. It made me think, do I want to go back to the girls? Of course I do Lex, they are my life and they will understand that I didn't have a choice to the matter when I was dragged away.

They will never forgive you, they think you're with him. Anyway, you thought Harry started it in the first place. What sort of friend are you to pick your so called boyfriend that you've known for what? 2 months? Over your best friends?!

My subconscious wasn't helping my decision but I knew in some or most ways she was right. I had been selfish and accused the people I know the most. Who am I? It's like one of those guessing books you get my for my page, nothing can describe me anymore. I don't know who I really am for crying out loud.

So, here i am, laying on the grass in front of the tower of flats staring up at the sky listening to the birds chattering away to each other. I wonder what they talk about? I heard birds like magpies always travel with in another, they die after a short period of time after separation. I felt like that. I felt like the magpie that flew too far away from its mates or friends and feels like they are dying inside with the loss of contact.

I know, I weird thought or representation right? But it's the only way I can describe how I am feeling right now.

I need to go back to them. Anyway, I have no where else to go other that back into that flat and after my escape and what happened to me in there I think I'd rather live in the sewers with only a pet rat as a friend.

I sat up and looked around noticing passers by we're giving me "the look". What? I'm not a tramp. I'm just.....lost. Oh god. I don't know where I am.

With that in mind I immediately got up and the blood rushed to my head giving me a five second pounding headache. I hate that feeling. After clutching my head I regained my eyesight and balance and looked for someone to ask for information on where I was.

I had no money and no phone so I couldn't get a Cab (taxi) or call for a lift. I then noticed a boy lent up against the lamppost looking with a look of deep concentration at his phone. I began to approach him and tapped politely on his shoulder.

'Wait a minute' he said holding up a finger. I would say it's rude but I do that a lot myself so I can't really have a go at him.

I raised my eyebrow at him and tried to cross my arms over my bust.

I looked over his shoulder and noticed he was playing this game called flappy bird? Heard of it? I don't know. Boys and their gadgets, I really dint understand them. Although I do love games such as COD and many others, I guess I'm quite the nerd when it comes to games. I've only just got Clara into them as well and trust me she doesn't like to lose. I laughed at the thought of her arguing with me and giving me the evils or getting me in my bubble for the rest of the day. I swear that girl knows how to push my buttons.

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