That Girl: Chapter 27

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I am so sorry I haven't updated in a long long time and I hope this update will make up for it. I added a turn of events towards the end and sorry if there is any confusing as I have no idea how to translate such ideas so other people will understand it haha.

Anyway, how have you all been my lovelies?

See you in the next chapter?


- Somebody_or_Nobody


'Are you ok?' Lexi asked.

'Yes thank you are y-' I was stopped by Louis tapping on my shoulder to gain his attention.

'Can we save this for later as I think he is waking up' he said pointing to Mr X's direction who was now on the floor moaning and rocking to his sight holding his head.

And with that we ran.

We ran as fast as we could.

Away from this terror that kept following us but hopefully for no longer.

--------------End of Recap--------------

Mr X's POV

After that damn member of one direction that goes by the name of Louis Tomlinson knocked me out temporarily I could hear voices meaning that they were still there. I automatically started to groan slightly as I held my head trying to recover from the initial shock of the light from the sun.

'Can we save this for later as I think he is waking up' I hear that idiotic quench of a noise that came from Louis. I heard them shuffle around for a bit and then heard heavy footsteps of running travelling away from me. I had to get up to catch up with them as they weren't getting away with it.

As soon as I sat up the blood rushed to my head causing me to become disorientated but I tried to ignore it as I got up to my feet and began running after what I could see were three black dots of people in front of me exiting the long path of the park. I began to run as fast as I could ignoring the shearing pain that moaned from my aching legs. I was driven by the pure lust for revenge that ran through every inch if my body. I hated the girls' dad and wanted to get every ounce of pain from him without hurting him directly. He was difficult to track, was Clara's dad but I knew that if I got Clara he would come out of the shadows to come after me which was exactly what I wanted. I'm not alone as well, I have aquatints in high places that want the same source of power that her father has over us. She doesn't know how controlling and dangerous he is. When I said to them that he had something that I wanted from her father. I meant it. I wanted his power. And to get that I needed to get personal with him.

To be honest I have no idea what I will do after I've got ahold of Clara. Maybe I would torture her just as an example but I also needed to get rid of her friends first.

To begin with the mission was simple; get Clara, get her dad. But now it's even more wild after this stupid boy band got involved so I had to do even more research to be able to get up close and personal without the boys getting involved and their stupid security. I suppose in some respects it's my own fault for getting them together.

There's something that you or anyone doesn't know how except me.

I gave Beth the tickets to see them at the premier.

I know your probably thinking that you didn't need tickets and from what I hear they didn't seem to use them. But I gave Beth the tickets, or should I say opportunity to go to the premier. I told her, and I have her an offer she could never resist that they could get up close and personal and that it would be a great opportunity to get Clara and the crowd would be totally oblivious with getting caught up in the premier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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