That Girl: Chapter 11

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'Clara! Ignore what he s-nidninsinjnosooa' my speech was blocked by another hand from behind the covered my mouth with a funny smelling cloth.

Great. Juuuuuusssstttt great.

He used chloroform on me.

What a classic.

That was the last thing it thought about when I slipped into a world of darkness.

----------------End of Recap-----------

Beth's POV

I fluttered my eyelids open only to be welcomed by a swarm of darkness. I looked around whilst squinting my eyes to try and identify where I was exactly. Huh, how original I'm in a basement. How boring. Such a typical place to be kidnapped. Yay me!

My hands were tied above my head with a random assortment of chains whilst my dirty blonde hair hung limply over the rag in my mouth. I tried to look around in search of a way out of this torture chamber until I was greeted by a bright light that hurt my eyes that had previously become immune to the level of darkness.

A tall figure hung at the top of the stairs and made it's way down to my level.

'Hello my dear, my gosh Clara is friends with quite the lookers isn't she. Shame she herself is such an ugly potato.'

'Ndhdhhwjjsjwnja' I mumbled through the mouth.

'Aww diddums, poor ikle Beth can't handle it?' He said patting me on the head like a dog'


I brought my leg in an upwards motion and kicked him in the groin. Feel pain fu*ker! The guy doubles over in pain but quickly gains control. I guess he's used to being a dick?

'Oy you'll pay for that bit*h!' He comes over to me yanks my hair back and punches my in the gut whilst my head whacks against the metal beam behind me.

I feel, blood trickle down the side of my face and I stared up at that son of a mother fudger and hissed at him. Yeah, I know I'm not a cat but the other girls know that when I hiss I bite back. Grrrrrrrr.

'Calm down my little play doll, your friends will join you.' I hear a faint bang on the door above our heads. 'Speak of the witch. I guess that's your "dear little Clara come to save your sorry little ass"' he mocks.

'Shut it DICKWARD!' I yell at him.

'Don't push it. I'm warning you!' He says jabbing a fringes in my direction. Haha, One Direction! Ha....ha...ha? Ohh never mind. He turns back around on his heals before opening the basement door and slamming it shut leaving me in darkness.

Yay. My favourite colour! Not. It needs a dash of pink in here and a few....Pfftt....a few? More like the whole damn wall covered in posters. Yeah. That's my cup of tea.

Suddenly I was dragged back into reality as the figure came back into my view with.....

'CLARA!!!!' I screamed. Oh no. I don't want her here, she needs to leave. Now.

'Sit.' The guy ordered Clara with.....a gun pointed to her head.

Clara whimpered as he thrusted the gun into her temple to urge her to move and sit down. The guy sat on what seemed to be a toolbox and brought something out of his pocket and began to fiddle with it.

'Now....' He began still fiddling with the object in his hand and sparks flew from it cause both me and Clara to squirm in our seats. 'Clara your darling daddy hasn't been the goody two shoes you thing he is......'

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