Part 4

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Sophia’s POV 12:36pm

Laying in bed, I think about the holiday so far. 4 days into it and I’m already having the best time!

The day after we got here, we stayed in the hotel and got settled, and all that shiz, then the day before yesterday, we went to Madame Tussauds, and I saw the Selena Gomez and Beyonce waxwork figures, they’re like my all time favourite singers! Oooo and I saw Kim Kardashian I love her so much! Okay, so yeah, yesterday, we went to Venice Beach, it was awesome, I got myself a nice tan, which I needed, as I was as white as a ghost when we first arrived.

Today, me and mum are going shopping and stuff, while dad and Jonah, I dunno probably go the gym.

I hopped out of bed, made my way into the bathroom and jumped in the shower, taking off my necklace that Cody got me before I left. It was a silver necklace with the initial C, I have never taken it off, it means a lot to me.


I got dressed in * * and walked out into the kitchen, to make myself a piece of toast. After I ate it, I walked into the living room thing, to be greeted with mum, dad and surprisingly Jonah, oh, he’s awake, normally we have to wake him. “Soph, c’mon, were going shopping.” Mum said, as she grabbed her bah, and kissed goodbye to dad, I nodded, put my shoes and walked to the door while waving goodbye, to dad and Jonah, off to do some Retail therapy!

Mum and I came back to the hotel at 6:45pm, to a empty hotel room, I guess they’re still at the gym or wherever. “Mum, can I go to sleep, I‘m so tired, shopping really takes it out of you!” I ask, as I’m putting my stuff away. “Of course you can sweetie, but have something to eat first, you haven’t ate since 2.” She replied, I shouted ‘Ok’ back, and walked into the kitchen, “What can I have?” I ask, looking in the fridge. “Anything you want honey,” My mum say’s as she grabs a bottle of water from underneath me. I close the fridge, before getting the milk out, and decide on just having cereal. I grab the Frosties from under the cupboard, and a bowl. I make my cereal. “Sophia, when I said anything, I didn’t mean a breakfast.” My said looking at me while I eat, I shrug and continue eating, as my mum sighs and goes to sit out on the balcony.

After I finish my cereal, I put the bowl and spoon in the sink and clean my mouth, I walk out on the balcony, and kiss goodnight to mum, and make my into my room. I change into my pyjama’s and hop into bed for a nights sleep.

I wake up, to find somebody on top of me, Jonah. “JONAH! GET OFF!!” I shout, and try and get him off me, “c’mon, time to get up. We’re going Universal today, so c’mon, get your butt out of bed!” Jonah says as he rips the covers off me, I sighed and got up, I didn’t need a shower, because I got one yesterday. I got dressed in * * 

And walked into the kitchen, to get my usual piece of toast, then walked out the door, while my mum locked up, “You ready for Universal!?” My dad asked, while we walked to the elevator, we all said yeah, and we got into our hire car, off to Universal Studios.

Cody’s POV

“Cody, come down here please.” I heard my mum shout, I walked out of my room and downstairs. I walked into the kitchen to see mum, dad, and Alli talking. “What’s up?” I asked as I took a seat on one of the seats in the kitchen. “Okay, just telling you, you have the next 2 and half weeks off.” My mum said I smiled wide, I needed to take time off! “And another thing, were having guests tomorrow, at 2, and then they’re staying here for 2 weeks. Okay?” “Do I know them? Who are they?” I asked, curious. “Yes you know them, and you’ll have to wait and see won’t you.” My mum said, as she looked at my dad, “Yeah, so don’t make any plans over these next dew weeks, okay?” My dad said to me, I sighed, “Fine, I’m going back to my room.” I said as I made my way back upstairs. I logged on twitter, creeping on my fans tweets, I followed a couple people and tweeted.

Curious.. ~ @CodySimpson

Don’t know whether I should be excited, or dreading theses next 2 weeks. ~ @CodySimpson

I guess we’ll find out. ~ @CodySimpson

ReunitedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora