Part 28

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Sophia’s POV

“I’m never surfing, again.” I said, as I walked, back into my room, drying my hair, with a towel. I just got out the shower, “Good, you was terrible.” Alli said, as she finished, curling her hair. “She wasn’t that bad.” Brooke said, as she plugged the hair straighteners in. “Thank you Brooke, at least somebody is nice too me.” I said, as I hugged her. They both laughed, and carried on getting ready. “Where is the hair dryer?” I asked, looking around for it. “Right here, I was using it before.” Alli said, as she, handed it too me. I smiled, and plugged it in.

“How should I do my hair?” I asked, as I looked in the mirror, messing with my hair. “I think, in a bun, it would go with the outfit.” Brooke said, as she walked over too me. “I agree.” Alli said, smiling. “Okay, let get started!” I said, as we all parted, and got ready.

Makeup -

Alli - 

Brooke - 

Sophia - 

Hair -

Alli - 

Brooke - 

Sophia - 

Outfits -

Alli - 

Brooke - 

Sophia - 

“Well, I think we’re ready to go.” Alli said, as she checked herself in the mirror. “We scrub up nice, don’t we!” Brooke said, as we all laughed, and left the room.

At Dinner

There was 16 of us at this dinner. Me, Cody, Alli, Brooke, Tom, Brad, Angie, Jonah, mum, dad, Justin, Scooter, Carin. Kenny, Pattie and Alfredo.

“So, how’s tour going, Justin?” Cody asked, as he took a sip of his drink. “Oh, you know, good, but I need a break, soon.” Justin answered back, glaring at Scooter. I laughed, and asked, “So, why isn’t Selena with you?” “She’s, got work to do in, America, but she’s flying out, soon. In like, 3 days, yeah.” Justin replied, as he took a bite of his steak. I nodded, and turned to Alli and Brooke. “I’m glad you two, are good friends. It would have been awkward if you guys, didn’t like each other.” I said, while smiling. “We’re all good friends!” Brooke said, mirroring my smile. “The 3 musketeers!” Alli said, as we all laughed. “What are you guys laughing at?” Cody asked, popping his head round my shoulder. “Nothing, stop being nosey.” I said, pushing his head away, as Alli and Brooke laughed.

We had all finished eating, and were just talking, about random thing. Suddenly, Scooter asked me, “So, Sophia, you got any special talents?”. “She used to sing, when we was little.” Alli said, as she leaned back in her chair. “Yeah, she still does, a little bit now. But stops, if she hears anybody near her.” Brooke said, laughing. “Why don’t you sing a little, for us.” Scooter said, as he looked at me. I shook my head, “No, no, I’m not any good, I do it for fun!” I said, still shaking my head. Everybody laughed at me, I pulled a confused face, waiting for someone to explain to me, why they were laughing. “I’m not going to make you sing. Yet. But, seriously, if you change your mind, get Cody to call me.” Scooter, said, giving me a reassuring smile. I nodded shyly, looked at Cody. He smiled at me, and sat closer to me. I linked my arm on his, and yawned. “Tired?” Cody asked, pushing some baby hair out my face. I nodded, and yawned, again, quietly. “Guys, its getting late, we’re going to head off, okay kids?” Brad said, looking at us all. We all nodded and said our goodbyes.

Great night, met some great people. I hope we stay in touch. - @justinbieber

@justinbieber @scooterbraun had a great dinner, and Scooter, maybe I will get back to you. -@SophiaJones

@SophiaJones @scooterbraun I wanna be there! - @justinbieber

@justinbieber @Sophiajones I think we can set something up. - @scooterbraun

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