Part 34

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Sophia's POV

It's Christmas!!! Yay! I'm so excited!

I couldn't sleep last night, I was too excited! I looked at my clock next to my bed and saw it was 7:58am. I'm sure it's fine to wake Jonah up and go and open our stockings now isn't it? Oh well, I'm going anyway!

I hopped out of bed and walked out my door and over to Jonah's. I opened his door and saw he was still asleep. Why isn't he awake!? I quietly walked to his bed and lightly shoved him. Nothing. I shoved him harder this time, while saying his name. He groaned slightly and turned over and looked at me. 

"What Sophia?" he said rubbing his eyes. "IT'S CHRISTMAS! GET UP!!" I shouted with a wide smile on my face. "Fine, go in mum and dads room and I'll come in, in a minute." Jonah replied, yawning. I nodded with excitement. 

I walked into my mum and dads room, to see them sitting up in bed, with a cup of tea each. "Merry Christmas!" I beamed as I walked in, giving my mum and dad a kiss on the cheek. They replied with the same thing returning the smile. "Wheres Jonah?" My mum asked, looking at the door. "He said he'd be coming in now. I'll go get my stocking and attempt to wake Jonah up again." I said as I walked out the  bedroom door and back into Jonah's. Round 2.

"JONAH!! GET UP!" I screamed, shaking him until he grabbed me to get off him. He sent me a glare, as he ripped his cover off him and stood up. I smiled as he grabbed his stocking and walked into mum and dads room. I grabbed mine and followed him.

I loved all of my presents! I got; a new iPod; iPod dock; new necklace; bracket; makeup; clothes; DVD's; money and food. Yes food. I asked for crackers and chocolate bars and that's what I got.  

Cody said he was going to give me my present when he next see's me, neither of us know when that will be though. Anyway we were set to go on Skype, 7pm my time, which means it was 11pm in LA. 

I looked at my watch, 5:48pm so an hour and a bit. What to do.

I could smell my dinner downstairs, so I decided to go and see when it would be ready. 

Skipping down the stairs, I took in more of the amazing smell, my mums a amazing cook. "Mummy! This smell amazing! When is it ready!?" I asked eagerly,  peering over her shoulder, at the vegetables and chicken on the stove. "Soon! Keep your greedy hands away!" My mum replied to me laughing, slapping my hand away. I nodded and smiled. "I'm gonna go watch a film. Call when dinners ready!" I said to my mum, who nodded as a response.

"mmm, mum. This was delicious." Jonah said, as he meant back in his chair, and huffing. "I agree!" I said, mimicking Jonah's actions. "Why thank you, I try my best." My mum said, trying to act cocky. My dad laughed along with me and Jonah. "Oh sweetie, it's five to seven, aren't you supposed to be on Skype to Cody now?" My dad said, looking down at his watch. Crap. "Oh yeah! That you mum, this was amazing, we should do it again sometime. Bye." I said, earning some laughs, as I ran up to my room. 

Luckily my laptop was on, so I quickly signed on Skype. 

Cody was already online, and he was soon video calling me. 

I checked my bun, and clicked 'accept'. 

Cody's beautiful face popped up on my screen and I couldn't help but smile. He smiled too and said, "Merry Christmas baby.". I got butterflies in my stomach and saw my cheeks turned a slight pinkish colour. "Merry Christmas Codes." I replied smiling at him. "I miss you."Cody said, as he pouted. I giggled and replied, "I miss you too. I wish this meeting wasn't here!" pouting too. 

"So, what did you get!?" I asked as I got excited, putting my head in my hands grinning widely. He chucked at my expression, "Clothes; books; DVD's; CD's; money, ooh and a puppy!" He replied, smiling at how excited he was about his puppy. "Oh my goodness! Go get him!!" I said as I shooed him away, with my hands. "Okay! Be right back!" Cody said excitedly, as he stood up, and I'm guessing ran downstairs. 

I sat waiting for about 5 minutes, before I heard footsteps coming back into the room. Cody's head suddenly popped into my view and he said, "You ready?" followed by a smile. I nodded excitedly, as he brought his hands up in view of the camera. One of thee cutest puppy's I have ever seen in my life was looking back at me, pulling a little puppy dog face. "Ooo! Hey cutie! What's your name?" I asked the puppy, as if it was going to answer me. "His names Buddy. He doesn't like me that much though." Cody said answering my question, putting Buddy down on his lap and putting his laptop behind Buddy. 

"Awh! Why?" I asked as I giggled abit. "I don't know. Shocking isn't it? I mean who doesn't like me?" Cody replied with a cocky smile. I gave him a look And told him not to be cocky. "I've got your present here." He said, teasing me, knowing I will want to know what it is. I gave him a puppy dog look and he shook his head and  chuckled. "I'm not telling you what I have gotten you!" Cody said to me, as he continued to laugh. I pouted, but in the end I had to smile. Cody was to cute. "I have yours too." I said sitting up on my bed and getting into a comfier position. Cody mimicked my previous actions and I imitated him. "'I'm not telling you what I have gotten you!'". I imitated with a smirk. He gave me a fake snarl, eyeing me up and down, well the screen.

During our time on Skype, I had spoken to Alli, Tom, Angie and Brad, and Cody had seen my mum and dad; and Jonah. I looked at the clock on my laptop and saw it was 10pm. What? How have we been on Skype for 3 hours? "Codes, we've been on Skype for 3 hours you know!" I said, with a shocked expression. No wonder I was getting tired. "Are you tired baby?" He asked, giving me a sincere look. "A little." I replied, being honest. I tried to hold in a yawn, but it failed. "Go to sleep babe, we can talk again tomorrow." He said with that amazing smile. I nodded. "Night, love you" Cody said, looking into the camera. I smiled and replied, "Goodnight, I love you too." before I ended his call and turned my laptop off. 

I got dressed into my pyjamas and walked downstairs into my living room. "Wow! You just got off Skype!" My dad said as I stood in front of them. "Yeah, and I'm sleepy. Thank you for a great Christmas!" I said as I gave them each a hug and kiss. "Oh you're welcome sweetie! We're glad you enjoyed it. Goodnight darling" My mum said, kissing my check. I smiled and walked upstairs and got into bed. 

Hopefully these next 2 weeks will fly by, and I'll see Cody soon. I felt my eyelids close and soon I was in dreamland.

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