Part 8

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Sophia’s POV 1:44am

“Sophh, wake up.” I heard Jonah say, shaking me lightly. “What?” I ask, as I open my eyes, I realised, Cody was asleep with his arm around me and my head on his chest, I smiled and continued to listen to Jonah. “We’re going back to the hotel, we’re staying the rest of the holiday tomorrow.” Jonah said, kneeling down. “I’m comfy I don’t wanna move.” I say, as I feel Cody hold my hand, under the covers, I smiled and held it back, thank god Jonah couldn’t see my face, I was probably as red as a tomato. “Do you want me to ask Angie if you can stay the night.” I nod, and close my eyes, falling back asleep.

Cody’s POV

I woke, to find my arm wrapped around Sophia and my hand intertwined with hers, I smiled, but quickly pretended to be asleep, as I heard somebody open my door. “Rise and shine, guys! We’re all going to Six Flags today!” I heard my mum say, as she opened my curtains. I don’t think Sophia woke up yet, because my mum, said, “Aww, I have to get my camera.” Oh gosh. 

I pretend to still be asleep, and my mum comes back in, with someone. “Look how cute that is Brad!” She say’s, as I hear a camera go off. I groan, and start to move around. I open my eye’s and look at my mum and dad, as they’re smiling at me. “What?” I ask as I sit up slightly, trying not to wake Sophia up. “Oh, nothing, but get ready, me, dad, you, Alli, Tom, Sophia, Jonah, Carin and Andy are going to Six Flag’s, but, we’re gonna drop Sophia off at her hotel, so she can get showered and dressed first, okay?” My mum asks, I nod as her and dad leave the room. I look over at Sophia, and gently shook her, “Soph, wake up, we’re going Six Flags,” I say as her eyes fluttered open, I smile at her and she smiles back. “We’re dropping you off at your hotel, so you can get ready and do whatever you do to get ready.” I say, as we both get up, and walk out the door. “Okay, but can I have breakfast first, I’m starving.” She says giggling. I chuckle and nod, as we walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Sophia’s POV

Woo, were going to Six Flags today, I’ve never been to one, hopefully we’ll have fun. “What do you want for breakfast?” Cody asks as we enter the kitchen, “Just a piece of toast, please!” I say as I sit down on one of the seats in Cody’s kitchen. Cody sat down next to me, handing me my piece of toast. It was silent, for about 10 minutes, until Cody broke the silence, “So, have you ever been back to Australia, from when you left?” He asked as he stands up from the counter thing, and goes to get a drink. “You want a drink?” Cody asks, as he gets a glass out the cupboard for me, I nod, and answer his question. “Um, no I haven’t. We couldn’t afford it, I would love to go back though, to see everybody again. Thank you.” I say taking my glass from him, and drinking some of it. “I’m sure everyone would wanna see you.” Cody says, having a sip of his drink. “Oh believe me, I want to see them!” I say smiling at Cody, he smiles back, and Cody got ready, with everybody else, and headed back to the hotel.

I just showered and got dressed in ( I got my laptop from under my pillow, yeah this hotel has swag, it has wifi, and switched it on. While I was loading, I dried my hair, straightened it and then put it in a high pony tail. When my laptop came on, I clicked on skype, to see my best friend Brooke was online. I soon got a video request, I click accept and smile as she pops up on the screen, with my other friend Jazmyn, but were not exactly talking at the moment. “Sophia! I miss you!!” Brooke says, when she see’s me, “Brooke! I miss you too” I say. I laugh as I see she slaps Jazmyn’s arm, “Hi Sophia.” Jazmyn says as she rubs her arm, were Brooke hit her. “Hi, Jazmyn,” I say, as things get awkward. “So, what have you been doing?” Brooke says, smiling. I laugh and tell her about everything I did before I went to Cody’s. You see, Brookes the kinda girl who is obsessed with Cody, and so is Jazmyn, but there complete opposite, Brooke is into sports, when Jazmyn is into singing. Brooke has blondy brown hair, Jazmyn has black hair. I was interrupted when Cody, knocked on the door, and came in. I got wide eyes, as all I heard from Brooke and Jazmyn were, “OMG, CODY SIMPSON!” “CODY SIMPSON, OMG I LOVE YOU!” I laughed as Cody came and stood next to the bed, and smiled into the camera. “You ready Soph, were going now.” Cody asked me, I nodded my head. “Okay, talk tomorrow okay?” I ask, they nod and say bye as I end the call. I grab my bag, and turn my laptop off, putting it back under my pillow, as me and Cody leave the room. “So, were they your friends?” Cody asked me, I nodded. “Are they fans?” Cody asked. Seriously? “No, Cody, they hate you.” I say, as we reach the living room. He chuckles as I laugh.

We were on our way to Six Flags in a mini van, which we hired, when Alli got her camera , and started filming herself. “Hey, this is Alli Simpson here, and I am here with, Cody, Tom, Mum, Dad, Sophia, Jonah, Carin and Andy, and we are going to SIX FLAGS!” She says, as she turns the camera on to everybody and they cheer. When the camera lands on me, I hide my face. “C’mon Soph, lets see your b-e-a-utiful face!” Alli says, whiling laughing and Cody try’s to tear my hands away from my face, but I wouldn’t let him. “No, I hate being filmed!” I say laughing, because Cody started to tickle me. “Hmm, lets see if you have the same tickle spot you did when you were 8.” Cody says, as he rests his hands on my belly. “NO!” I say, as I bend over, trying to stop him, but it was too late, he started tickling me, and I have no choice but to release my hands, to get him off me. “St-stop, pl-please!” I say while laughing hysterically along with everybody else. “There we go.” Cody says as he makes me smile, and Alli puts the camera on us. I smile and I turn around, to see Jonah, having a conversation with Tom, even though they are 10 years apart. Aw, how cute. “Guys, calm down!” I hear my mum and Angie say from the front of the van, we all apologize, as Alli says goodbye to the camera, and puts it away. Soon enough we were in Six Flags car park, and getting ready for a fun filled day! 

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