Part 7

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Sophia’s POV

Words can not describe how happy I am right now. I have Cody back, just how it should be.

It’s about 4:30, we’ve all been in the living room, talking, laughing, like old times. “You wanna go for a walk, we can talk properly.” Cody asked me, leaning over whispering in my ear, I nodded, “But, I’ll ask my mum first, in case we aren’t aloud.” I say trailing off. “Mum, Carin, can me and Sophia go on a walk?” Cody’s asks as, he stands up, pulling me with him. “Of course, but be back 6:30, were have a barbeque.” Angie said, as she looked at my mum hoping for a agreement, she just nodded her head. We nodded and headed out the door.

Cody’s POV

“So, what’s been happening, these last 6 years then?“ I ask I walk down the street with Sophia, but as we turn the corner, paparazzi come out of nowhere, and start screaming questions at Soph. I look at her, to see pure fear in her eyes, I pull her into me, and keep a tight grip on her, as I turn around, and walk down the road back to the house, maybe going for a walk wasn’t the best idea. Paparazzi were still following us, shouting things like, “Cody, who’s this girl?” “Cody, is she your girlfriend?” “How long have you been dating?”, “Girl, you just using Cody for fame?”. We reached the gate to my house, and quickly got in.

Sophia was still holding onto me, when we got inside the house. I shut the door, and Sophia let go of me. “Sorry, I didn’t know what to do, and they scared me.” Sophia said, as we were walking back into the living.

“You’re back early,” Carin said, as me and Sophia sat on the sofa. “Yeah, we had a little run in with the paparazzi.” I said, trailing off at the end. “Oh, well never mind aye! Dad’s gonna put the stuff on the barbeque now, come outside.” Mum said, as everyone stood up, and went out by the pool.

Me, Sophia, and Alli were all sitting on the edge of the pool, with our feet in the water, eating our burgers, when I realized, Sophia never got a chance to answer my question. I quickly swallowed my food, and asked, “Soph, you didn’t answer my question. What’s been going on over the last few years?” “Yeah, we need to catch up!” Alli said, getting ready for Sophia’s answer. “Well, you know my nanna Monnie, well she ‘left the earth’ about 5 years ago, umm, I made a lot new friends, my 3 new best friend’s are Brooke, Sue and Kyrah, we do like everything together,. Umm, everybody tells me to talk or say there name, because I’m Australian, I don’t get it." Sophia said as she laughed, then carried on. "Umm, yeah that’s about it, nothing interesting, same old, how about you guys.” Sophia asked us, Alli started talking about our lives since Sophia left, but I was thinking back to what Soph said. ‘My 3 NEW best friends’ I’m her best friend, nobody else. I shouldn’t of lost contact with her, I should of kept writing, and ringing, but I didn’t and guess she had to move on one day. My thoughts were interrupted when Alli asked me, “Right Cody?” “Hmm, what?” I ask, listening to them again, “I said, you're getting more famous every day. What's wrong with you?" , Alli replied, while Sophia gave me a weird look, “Oh, yeah, I got my million Angels. Yeah, I'm good” I say giving them a reasuring smile. Sophia giggles and Alli laughs.

“HEY GUYS!” Alli screams as she opens the door to my room, “Shhh! Sophia’s asleep!” I say whisper/shout, she apologizes and sits in front of me, she can’t sit next to me, Sophia’s leaning on my chest.

“So, what are you doing?” Alli asks, in her normal tone of voice. “On twitter, talking to my fans.” I say, typing a new tweet. “I’m gonna go on Ustream, because I’m in a good mood.” I say, opening a new tab, and going on my Ustream account.

I click ‘Go Live!’ as Alli squeezes next to me. It sends a link to my twitter, telling people I’m live, so the views should blow up any moment now. I saw the views got up to 2400, and people were typing, ‘HI CODY!!<3‘ ‘hey alli!” and ‘who’s that on your shoulder?’ I chuckled and started talking.

“Hey guys! So I decided to do a Ustream, because I am soo happy right now.” I say, as Alli smiles at me. “You guys are asking who this is,” I say pointing to Sophia, “Well, she is my best friend. We were born 5 weeks apart, and our mum and dad, were best friends. We were instantly best friends, and maybe a little more.” I say winking at the camera, Alli laughs at me, and I continue talking. “Yeah, well, when we were 8, Sophia moved to London, and we lost contact with each other, but, because we have the best mum, dad and siblings in the world! We are reunited again, and I couldn’t be happier!” I say looking down at Sophia and stroking her hair, “But no hate, okay?” I ask while smiling into the camera. I look at the comments, and some say, ‘aw, she’s pretty’ ‘yeah guys, no hate :D’ ‘aww cody, you look so happy’ I smile at my fans reaction, they’re not hating which is good. “So guys, yeah, that’s really all I wanted to say. Good night angels, I love you!” I say I click off the live stream and save it, before switching my laptop off and closing it. “She makes you really happy doesn’t she.” Alli says while I look a Sophia. “Yeah, but I doubt...

Sophia’s POV

“Yeah, but I doubt she feels the same way I feel about her.” I heard Cody say. Oh Cody, if only you knew..

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