Part 23

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Sophia's POV

"Morning!" I said, as I burst into Jonah's room, in a happy mood. Nothing moved or made a sound. Confused, I walked over to his bed, to see him in there, but not moving. "Jonah?" I said, scared, as I poked his side. Why isn't he awake, he's usually awake if I tap on the door, he's a light sleeper. "C'mon Jonah, stop messing around." I said, shaking him. Still nothing. I walked backwards, and ran out the room, into my mum and dads room. "M-mum, dad! Jonah, he, he won't get up, i-i tried everything!" I said as tears started forming in my eyes. By now, my dad had already sprinted out the room, while my mum hugged me, and we both started to walk towards Jonah's room. "Carin, call a ambulance." My dad said, as he pulled Jonah over, so he was lying on his back. That got me even more scared. I felt my mum let go of me, going to get the phone. "What's wrong with him daddy?" I asked, as I walked over to my dad, and tried not to cry. "I don't know baby, go and get Brad and Angie, I think they should come too." My dad said, before he kissed my forehead. I nodded, ad walked towards the door, before my mum came in and said, "there on their way.". I grabbed my Pastrys, and ran out the door.

I was banging on Cody's hotel room, and loud as I could, waiting for somebody to open it, by now, tears were rolling down my cheeks. The door suddenly opened, and Brad stood there with a angry expression, but he soon calmed down, when he saw me. He bent down, and started speaking. "What's wrong honey!?" "J-jonah, he would-wouldn't wake up, the, the ambulance is on its way." I said, as I wrapped my arms around him and cried in his shoulder. "Okay, c'mon baby girl." He said, as he stood up, and walked me into Codys room. "I'm going to go see your mum and dad, with Angie, okay, stay here with Cody. Cody!" He said, yelling for Cody, I nodded, and he disappeared out the door. "What's wrong!?" Cody said as he come out of the bathroom, and came over and hugged me, pulling me on his lap, as he sat on his bed.

I explained to Cody about what happened, and Alli came in after I finished. "Wha-." "I'll explain later." Cody said, as he rubbed my back. Alli nodded, then looked around, and asked, "Were's Brooke?" "Still asleep, she can sleep through a earthquake." I said, laughing a little at the end. Alli and Cody laughed, as snuggled into Cody's chest more. "C'mon kids, were um, going the hospital." Angle said, giving me a sympathetic look. Alli looked confused, but Cody gave a look, and she walked away. "C'mon angel." Cody said, as I stood up, and grabbed Codys hand.

"Wait!" I said, as I stopped in the middle of the lobby. "What Soph?" Angie asked, as she stopped dead in her tracks. "I'm still in my pyjama's and where's Alli and Brooke?" I said, looking at my pyjama's. "HERE!" I heard Brooke yell, as she and Alli came strolling over. "Don't worry, everybody wears pyjama's in hospitals anyway. I nodded, with my tear stained face, as Cody squeezed my hand and we carried on walking out to the car.

"Jonah Jones?" Brad asked, as we got the desk in the hospital. "Family?" "Sister." I said putting my hand up, "Aunt, Uncle and cousins." Brad said, giving us a look as if to say, shut up. She gave us a weird look, "He's just got his tests done, he is in his room. Um, room 296." The receptionist said, smiling politely at the end. We nodded and went over to the lift, waiting for it to come.

I knocked on the door, to hear my dad shout, "come in!" I looked at Cody before he nodded, and walked away. I walked in and Jonah was lying on a bed with tubes up his nose. "What's wrong with him?" I asked, as I walked in the door, and shut it behind me. "We don't know sweetie, they should be back with the tests soon." My mum said, as she pulled me into a hug, and I sat on her lap.

Speak of the devil, the doctor came in. He was about mid 30's, brown hair, alright looking for a middle aged man. "Hello Mr and Mrs Jones, I am Dr. Daniels." My mum and dad nodded, as I just sat there, waiting for him to continue. "No, the test results have came back, as he has alcohol poisoning, and that's why he wouldn't respond with you. We will take the tube out of his mouth, in an hour, just got to be sure he can breathe on his own. We just need to drain the alcohol out of his system, and he might need to stay over night, but he should be fine to go home tomorrow. But if he hasn't woken by then, he will need to stay longer." He said, giving us a sympathetic smile. I think my mum and dad were just as confused as me. "Alcohol poisoning? That's not possible, Jonah doesn't drink." My mum said, as she looked at my dad. "Well, that's what the test results said." Dr. Daniels said, as he flipped through his clipboard. I stood up, and walked out the door of the hospital room. Maybe Brad and Angie might know what happened? I walked into the waiting room, and asked, "Guys, do you know anything about Jonah drinking?" Everyone looked at me confused, but Cody leant down in his seat, and twiddeled his thumbs. "Cody?" I asked as I moved closer towards him, with my arms crossed. "We'll leave you two alone." I heard Brad say, as everyone, except Cody and I, left the room.

"He told me not to tell you." He said, as he sat up, and looked at me. "So! If Jonah told you to jump off of a bridge would you?! No you wouldn't! You could of told me! This could of been prevented! We could be having fun now, instead of in a fucking hospital!, waiting for my brother to wake up" I screamed in Cody's face. Cody gasped, as he has never heard me swear, or be that angry. "I'm sorry, I thought it would be a one time thing, but obviously it wasn't." He said, as he stood up, walking over to me. I gave him a look, which made him stop dead in his tracks. "Talk to me when your not a stupid idiot." I said as I walked out.

I know I shouldn't be this mad, but aren't couples supposed to tell each other everything? I know we're only 14, but we've been through a lot, we survived being apart for 6 years, and came back strong, but I still don't get why he wouldn't tell me. I looked around in the corridor and it was deserted. I sat down on the floor, sliding down the wall, and sat there. Thinking. Why's Jonah AND Cody, so stupid?

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