Part 31

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Sophia’s POV

“So, what first?” I said, as Giorgia and Ruby came out the bathroom, with their pyjamas on. “Why don’t we prank Cody and Jake?” Giorgia said, with a evil smile on her face. “Lets make a plan..” Alli said, as we all sat on her bed, and started discussing ideas.


“Shaving cream?” “Check.”

“String?” “Check.”

“Glitter?” “Check.”

“Cling film?” “Check.”

“Bucket?” “Check.”

“Good, then lets get started.” I said, as we all laughed, and got to work.

We filled the bucket up with water, added glitter and placed it on top of their door. We put cling film on their toilet, we got a hook, and tied it to some string, which is for later, along with the shaving cream. 

As we finished, we heard them come towards us, right where the bucket was. We stood back, and watched, as our prank, took action.

The door opened, and we watched as the bucket came flying off the door, right onto their heads. We couldn’t contain our laughter, as we all burst out laughing, as we saw Cody and Jake, stood there, dripping wet, with glitter in their hair. 

They looked up, and their faces turned to anger, as they saw us standing there laughing. “Hey Soph, I miss my girlfriend, can I have a hug?” Cody said, with a smirk on his face, as he came closer to me, walking like a penguin.

I laughed sarcastically, as I walked away from him. I heard, the girls giggle, and Jake laugh, as Cody followed me. “Please, stop!” I said, as I knew I was coming close to a wall. 

I sighed, and put my hands up. “Fine. I surrender, just make it quick.” I said, as I pulled a puppy dog face. Bad idea. Cody took my face in my hands, and squeezed my cheeks, before, he wrapped his arms, around my waist, and spun me around. I flinched, as his cold, wet body, came in contact with mine.

“Aw, I love you.” Cody said, as he let go, and kissed my lips. I nodded, as he let go. “Bye guys. Bye Soph.” He said, as he winked at me, before walking back to Jake, back into Cody’s room.

I stood there, with damp clothes, and a wet face and neck. I looked at the girls, and noticed, they had been filming what had happened. “Not a word.” I said, as I walked into Alli’s room, grabbed a fresh pair of pyjamas, and went in to the bathroom. I dried my face, and changed into my clean pyjamas. 

As I walked out the bathroom, I heard Brooke say “Lets make cakes!”, like a little girl. We all laughed, and headed out to the kitchen.

“Okay, we can’t burn them! I actually want to eat them!” Alli said, as she got the last of the ingredients we needed out. “Yes m’am!” We all said, as we go started on our cakes. 

“And, done!” Giorgia said, as she put the last on one the table. “They look delicious.” I said, licking my lips. I was hungry.

I reached my hand out, to try and take one, but I was suddenly being dragged away from the cakes, and into the living area. “Yo, what up!?” I said, as they let go of me. “They’re for later, chill.” Brooke said, as she walked to behind the couch. “Lets, do our facemasks!” Brooke said, holding 5 up in her hands. 

I looked in a small mirror, to see if I left any parts of my face out from the face mask. Nope, completely covered it. I moved the mirror away from my face, and laughed. “You look like you have poo on your face.” I tried to say to Alli, but it probably sounded like. “you luk like you hab pu on your facee.” But what the hell. “Guys, over here!” Giorgia said, motioning for me and Alli to look at the camera. We pulled a funny face, well tried too, as she took a picture with her phone. “That’s going on Instagram.” She said, as she started tapping away on her phone.

“Shall we go and scare Cody and Jake?” I suggested, as I put the mirror down, and looked back up at the girls, nodding their heads. “Let’s make you and Brooke look scary.” Alli said, a she got her makeup kit out.

(Type in Gruge on google images, and scare yourselves, or look at this, too what they looked like. )

“Do you guys have any white long tops or anything?” Ruby asked, putting finishing touches on Brookes face. “I have one of Jonah’s white shirts.” I said, reaching into my bag, and getting it out. “I have one of Cody’s I think, hold on.” Alli said, going into her closet, and looking for it. She walked back out, with it, and passed it to Brooke. We put them on over our clothes, and tried to imitate the Gruge.

Knock Knock. We went back into Alli‘s room, but kept the door open a bit. We heard the door open. “What do you want?” I heard Cody say, but nobody was there. “Whatever guys.” He said, as he shut the door. We did that a few more times, but this time we was going to stand in front of the door, and wait until they both open it. We got into position, and knocked again. We heard a few groans of annoyence coming from the boys, and it wasn’t long until the door opened, and they both stood there, like a bunch of scared little girls. We made some groaning noises, and took a step closer, which made them take a step back. “You guys aren’t funny.” Jake said, as Brooke and I started laughing uncontrollably, along with Alli, Giorgia and Ruby who had all came out the room. “Leave us alone. And do be warned we will get you back for this.” Cody warned, staring me right in the eye. “Oh, I’m so scared.” I said, putting my hands up. “Good.” He replied, as stood right in my face. We both gave each other a sly smile, and tilted our heads, before I walked away, and back into Alli’s room.

“I’ve got loads of great video’s of you and Cody.” Alli said, as she got her laptop, and plugged her phone in. “Let me see.” I said, as I sat behind her, as she pressed play on the first video.

It was the one of when Cody performed a couple days ago, and I was the Not Just You. I blushed, as I watched Cody caress my cheek, and spin me around. “Okay, next video.” I said, putting my hands over my cheeks. “Aw, iccle Sophia getting embarrassed!” Ruby said, pulling my hands away from my face. “You’re younger than me! You’re iccle not me!” I said, as I laughed.

We watched videos that Alli had secretly videoed, of Cody and I, and then later we watched some scary movies. I felt my eyes dragging downwards, and soon I was in dreamland.

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