Part 29

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Sophia’s POV

“Do we have to go home in two days!?” I asked, as I followed my dad around the hotel room. We walked in the kitchen, and my dad stopped, and looked at me. “Yes, Sophia, we do, we’ve had 17 beautiful days here, and its not going to be long, until we go back to America, you’ve got that meeting with Scooter and everybody, so Soph, chill out.” My dad said, as he walked past me rubbing my hair. I fixed my hair, and stood there, in the middle of the kitchen, thinking.

I had that meeting with Scooter, he said he liked my voice, and would like to introduce me to LA Reid. I could be on the same record label as Justin Bieber! “What you smiling at?” Brooke said, as she came in the kitchen. “Just thinking of what could happen in the future.” I said, giving her a cheesy smile. She grabbed a apple off the counter, and gave me weird smile back. “So, Alli and I, are going shopping today, are you coming?” Brooke said, taking a bite of her apple. “Yeah, sure, what time?” I asked. “3.” Brooke said, swallowing her apple. I nodded, and said I was going to get ready. 

I unbuttoned the cardigan, and checked the clock on my wall. 2:45. I’ll go and see if Brooke is ready yet. I walked out my room, with me phone and money in my pockets, and knocked on Brooke’s door. “Come in!” She shouted. I walked in, and she was tiding up her room. “You ready?” I asked, as I passed her, her shoes. She nodded, as she struggled to get them on, as she was walking the door, so she was hopping, you get what I mean right?

I said goodbye to my mum and dad, and Brooke and I walked over to Alli’s room. We knocked on the door and Alli answered. “Hi guys, hold on.” She said, as she rushed away. “Where are you going?” I heard Cody ask Alli. “The mall with Brooke and Sophia.” Alli answered, “Oo, can I come?” “Nope.” Alli said, as she shut the door. “That was mean.” I said, as a couple giggles, left my mouth. “He’ll forget about it, don’t worry.” Alli said, as she laughed, and put her bag, over her shoulder. “Shall we go?” Brooke said, linking arms with us. “We shall.” Alli said, as we started walking toward the elevator.

We was walking, out of Forever 21, when I bumped into somebody. “I’m sorry!” I said, as I looked at the person. My eyes got wide, and so did hers, I looked down and saw her little sister, and then Alli screamed. “GIORGIA!” I screamed, as I flung my arms around her. “SOPHIA! OMG I missed you so much!” She said, as she hugged me back. “I missed you too, believe me!” I said, as I let go of her. “I think we should move out of the way of the entrance,“ I said, dragging everybody away, because we were blocking it. I looked at Ruby, and her and Alli were hugging. “Brooke, this is Giorgia, Giorgia, this is Brooke!” I said, introducing them. “Nice to meet you.” Brooke said, as she leant in for a hug. Giorgia hugged her back, and said, “You too!”. I smiled, and looked at Ruby and Alli, and they were talking, and laughing. “Rubbyyyy!” I said, as she turned around, and hugged me also. “I missed you Soph, I didn’t think we’d see each other again.” She said, as we let go. “Well, you have!” I said, making her laugh. “Shall we go and get something to eat, and catch up?” Giorgia asked. We nodded, and headed to the café in the mall.

“So yeah, that’s been my life, since I moved to London!” I said, as I concluded my story. “Wow, so are you’re going to meet with Scooter in LA?” Giorgia asked, taking a sip of her smoothie. “Yeah, in like a month or something.” I said, smiling at the end. “So, when do you guys go home?” Ruby asked, sitting up in her chair. “2 days.” I said, sadly. I really didn’t wanna go home. “How about, we have a girly sleepover tonight, all five of us. We can make Cody and Tom, stay in your room, Sophia, and have it in mine.” Alli said, smiling. “I guess, but maybe we could get one of Cody’s friends too, so he’s not left out.” I said, feeling guilty. “Ohh, you’re a good girlfriend aren’t you!” Alli said, as she mocked me. “What about Jake! I haven‘t seen him for years!” I said, as if a light bulb went off in my head. “How about, we go shopping, get everything we’ll need, and then I’ll call Jake, and have him meet us at the hotel, and we surprise Cody?” Giorgia said, putting her drink down on the table. “Sure, good Idea!” I said, looking at my watch. “Lets go shopping shall we!” Alli said, shooing us out the table. We laughed, and got our shop on.

It was 5:30 and we finished shopping. We got, facemasks, cake mix :P, sweets, movies, drinks, and more food, “Okay, we will meet you, in the lobby, of Peppers hotel, at 6:30, with Jake.” Ruby said, as struggled with the bags. “Okay, bye guys!” I said, as we all waved goodbye.

Great day, and hopefully going to be a great night with my girls! X - @SophiaJones

I take it, that doesn’t involve me then @SophiaJones.. - @CodySimpson

@CodySimpson Nope! Sorry Codes! But we got a few surprises for you :P Tell you when we‘re back X -@SophiaJones

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