Part 16

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Sophia's POV. 3 weeks later, 22nd September.

I wake up, by my alarm clock playing Not Just You. I smile thinking about Cody, but my smile fades as I think about the last week, and the week ahead. I might aswel tell you about last week.

Okay, so I started school last week. Going into year 10. So first day, I got to school, got my lessons, and all that. At lunch, I was sitting with, Brooke, Kyrah, Cyrstal, Sue and Jasmyn, when one of the 'popular' girls, Kaylee, came over to our table.


"Hi Sophia!" Kaylee said, as she looked at me smiling like a clown. "Um, hello?" I said, as the others tried not to laugh. "You know, I love your fashion sense." She said, smiling still using that creepy smile. I looked down at what I was wearing, "I'm wearing a school uniform. Same as you, same as everybody else." I said, as I looked at Brooke confused. "Look, I don't like you." I nodded, "You don't say." I say as I look at her waiting for her to continue. She glared at me before continuing, "but I love Cody Simpson, so you are going to get me to meet him." She said pointing to me and her. "Am I?" I asked sarcastically. I'm not scared to stand up for people. People should know that by now. "Yes you are." She said walking over to me, and turned me around. "In your dreams." I said as I turned back around and carried on eating my dinner. She must of walked away, because I never heard anything off her, that was until after school.

I was walking home with Crystal and Brooke, when Kaylee shouted me again. I sighed with frustration and turned around. "What do you want!?" I shouted, as she was the other side of the road. She crossed the road, and walked over to me. "Just thought I'd warn you. I always, get what I want, so you better do what I say." She said as I yawned in her face. "Kay" I said, as I turned around and started walking home, pulling Crystal and Brooke along with me.

Flashback over

And that carried on all week, but she started making a fool of me. She'd bump into me, so my lunch went everywhere. She'd push me over on the floor, all because she wanted to meet Cody.

Anyway, today is saturday, and I'm going to Crystals birthday today. She's having a party at her house, but I'm only staying for a little while, because I'm not really in a party mood.

I looked at my clock and saw it was 2pm, and I'm going to Cyrstals at 4, we are all getting ready together. 

I walk downstairs, and was about to walk into the lounge, when I heard a girl laugh. What? I opened the door a little and saw, Jonah, with a girl on the couch. They were watching The Hangover. Time for embarrassing my big brother.

I strolled in the lounge casually, and sat down on the couch. I heard Jonah cough. I looked over and smiled. "Hi Jonah. Oh who's this?" I said gasping fakley, putting my hand over mouth. "Hi, I'm Andrea." She said as she held her hand out for me to shake. I shook her hand while smiling. She was so pretty, she had natural blonde her and blue eyes. I walked over to Jonah and stood infron of him. "Awww, my biggest brother has a girlfriend!!" I said sqeezing his cheeks, I heard Andrea giggle and Jonah got me off him, and told me to get out. I laughed, said bye to Andrea and left the room shutting the door behind me. I walked in the conservatory, and smiled at my mum and dad. My mum was reading a book and my dad was reading a newspaper. "What time do you want me to take you to Crystals?" My dad said as he put the paper down. "Umm, like 4 please, and could you pick me up at 10:30?" I asked as I smiled. "Of course honey, you better go get ready." My dad said as he continued reading the paper. I nodded and kissed both their cheeks before going upstairs and taking a shower.


After my shower I got dressed in sweats and put everything I needed in a bag. I went back into my bathroom, and brushed my teeth, then put it in my bag. I went back in my room, and took my phone off my bed. I looked at it and saw I had a text off Cody. 

From Cody:

Hey Soph! Got a surprise for you, go talk to your mum+dad xxxxxxxxxx

I walked downstairs and shouted for my mum+dad. "In the lounge!" I heard my mum shout back. I walked in, and sat on the couch. "Cody said he has a surprise or something?" I said confused. "Yeah, well, on October 16th to 1st November, we are all going back to Australia, with Cody, Alli, Tom, Angie and Brad, and you can bring a friend." My mum said, as she was smiling. "Oh, and this came in the post." She said handing me a card. I opened it up, and saw 2 tickets for Justin Bieber's concert in Australia. I screamed and showed my mum and dad. I read inside the card.


Because your inlove with Justin :)

I love you

Cody xxxxx'

I smiled andshut the card. "Well kiddo, shall we go?" My dad said as he stood up. I didn't realise it was quater to four already. I nodded and kissed goodbye to my mum, before grabbing my bag, Crystals present and heading out the door.

I was all ready with, Cyrstal, Brooke, Sue, Jazmyn and Kyrah, dressed in (just imagine her hair like that and makeup whatever haha) and we were taking pictures. "Soph, get a picture by yourself!" Cyrstal said as she took my phone out of my hands, and put it on the camera. I sighed, and smiled as she took the picture. "You have to send this to Cody, its beautiful." Sue said as she showed me the picture. "I will tomorrow," I said, looking at my watch. 6:45pm people will be coming in a bit. "No, now." They said, as they handed me my phone. I texted Cody,

To Cody:

At Crystals party, miss+love you xxx

I pressed send, and put my phone back in my bag. The doorbell rang and Cystal squeeled, as she pulled us all to the door.

It was about quater past 10 when I started feeling really tired. "Guys, my dads going to be here in a minute, I'll see you later." I said as I hugged them all goodbye. "I'll come and wait with you." Brooke said, as she started walking towards me. I nodded, as we walked out the door.

"I still cabt believe my best friend is dating Cody Simpson." Brooke said laughing a bit at the end. I laughed with her and said, "yeah, I never thought I'd see him again" "but your glad you did." Brooke asked as she shivered abit. I sighed and started talking, "I just wish I never got hate. I mean, I haven't done anything to them, yet they call me all sorts, I just don't get it." "They're all just jealous of you. Your a gorgeous and nice girl, who is going out with a popstar. Don't take it to heart. Remember, I'll always be here for you." Brooke said as she put her arm around me. You see that's why I love Brooke, she makes you feel better, she sticks by you, and never turns on you. A car beeped infront of us, and my dad waved through the car window. "Bye." I said as I gave Brooke one last hug, while yawning. "Bye."

I got in my car, and waved one last time, before my dad drove off. "So, was the party good?" My dad asked as he kept his eyes on the road, "yeah, it was fun." I said yawning once again. "Go to sleep, Soph. I take you inside." I heard my dad say. I nodded and got as comfortable as I could, and fell asleep.

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