Part 27

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Sophia’s POV

“Surfing today!” I said, to Cody, as we sat on the stools, in the kitchen, eating our breakfast. “I haven’t been, for years.” I said, laughing, remembering how bad I was. “You wasn’t very good.” Cody said, laughing along with me. “Well, you can teach me, right?” I asked, batting my eye lashes at him. “Of course, baby.” He said, as he kissed me nose. I smiled, and carried on eating my cereal. “Why, don’t you eat cereal anymore?” I asked, in the middle of eating. “I do, but I’ve ate so much, I need a break of it.” Cody said, as he put his plate in the sink. I nodded, and carried on eating. “Oh, yeah, Scooter, Justin and all of his team, well, some of them, are coming, for a dinner tonight, in a fancy restaurant. You wanna come?” Cody asked, leaning on the counter. “YES!” I shouted, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Okay! You need, to wear, like a dress or something, and Alli and Brooke are coming too, so you can ready with them.” He said, taking my bowl, and putting it in the sink, with his. “What time do we need to be ready by?” I asked, following his moves. “Um, 6 I think.” Cody said, as he walked back over to me. I nodded. “Go and get ready for surfing.” He said, kissing my head, and ushering me out the door. “Pushy.” I said, as I walked out the kitchen, and back to my hotel room. 

I walked, down the beach, with Brooke and Alli, in our wetsuits, to meet, Cody and the rest of the guys, by the surf boards. “So, how long, has it been since you’ve surfed?” Alli asked me. “About, 6 years.” I said, pulling a straight face. “I’m going to fall off!” I said, as Brooke and Alli laughed at me. “It’s not funny!” I said, as we reached everybody else. “You ready to go surfing?” Cody asked, smiling. I nodded, and Cody, got the surf board, as we headed into the sea.

I stood up on the board, confident, that I wasn’t going to fall, that was until a wave came. “I’m going to fall! Cody!!” I screamed, as Cody laughed at me, and wobbled the board, making me even more scared. We was, quite far out, but, not far enough, that we couldn’t get back on the beach. “Just wait, going over this next wave, and then we can stop.” Cody said, as he kept the board steady. I nodded, and did what I learned, to do. The wave came, and I successfully, surfed over it. “I did it!” I shouted, as I heard Cody clapping. “Wooo, go Sophia!” He shouted. “Sit down, on the board.” Cody said, as he looked up at me, smiling, and still clapping. I took a bow, and smiled as I sat down, getting my self comfortable. I felt the board, behind me, sink, and I turned around to see Cody, sitting on it. “This is going to sink!” I said, as I turned around, and tried to make, the weight of the board even. “Lets try and, get back to the beach, I think we’ve done enough surfing today. You aren’t really, getting any better.” Cody said, as he, moved his arms, in the sea, like you would with a paddle. I glared at him, as he laughed at me. I started doing what Cody was doing, but we ended up going in circles. “Okay, stop. This isn’t right.” Cody said, as he rubbed his chin, trying to think of a idea. “How about, I push you.” Cody said, as he got off the board, causing all of board, to sink at my side, meaning, I fell in the sea.

I swam, back up to the surface, to see Cody, laughing at me. “You always laugh at me!” I said, as I hopped back on the board, and faced forward, ignoring Cody’s laughs. “I’m sorry baby.” Cody said, as he came over to me, and put his hand on my cheek, trying to make me look at him. I stood my ground, and kept a straight face, not looking at him. He sighed, as he went back to the back of the surf board. I smiled, and, enjoyed the ride back to the beach. 

“C’mon we’ve gotta get back to the hotel! Gotta get ready!” I said, as I grabbed bags, and pulled Alli and Brooke with me, as we ran down the beach. 

“Lets get busy.” Alli said, as we got into my hotel bedroom. We nodded and, parted ways.

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