Part 17

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Sophia’s POV

October 15th. I’m going to Australia tomorrow, the first time back since I left, 6 years ago. I’m so excited!

So you remember that picture I sent Cody, the one when I was at Crystals party? Yeah, well what did Cody go and do? He put it on twitter. I was not amused.

Anyway, that’s all behind us, and life has gotten better. Kaylee stopped talking to me, thank god. And Jonah and his girlfriend are still together, they are so cute XD.

Okay so, I finished packing like and hour ago, and I got a shower, so now I am watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians, with Brooke in bed, all warm and cosy. Brookes coming to Australia with us. “I wanna be a Kardashian so bad, they’re flawless, its unreal.” Brooke said, as she stared at the TV. I laughed at her and we carried on watching it when my phone beeped in my hands. I unlocked my phone, and saw I had a text off Cody.

From: Cody

Go to bed! Got to be up early in the morning! AUSTRALIA HERE WE COME!! Love you xxx

I smiled, and showed Brooke, “Better do what your told!“ she said as she laughed and switched off my TV off. i locked my phone and laid down, falling asleep. When I wake up, I’ll be going back home. So excited.


I groaned as my alarm clock went off, telling me to wake up, obviously. I heard Brooke groan too, and move around. I was stretching my arms, when suddenly my door burst open and my light when on. “C’MON, WE’RE GOING HOME TODAY, GET UP SOPHIA, GET UP BROOKE. GET UP GUYS!!” Jonah said, as he ran over to me and Brooke and shook us both hard. We stared at him, while he was shaking us. What the hell is wrong with this kid? “You guys up?” He asked looking at us both back and forth. “Seriously?” I said, giving him a look. C’mon bro!“ Brooke said as she flicked him away. He nodded and walked towards the door, “You both gotta be ready in 20 minutes, then we’re going the airport!” Jonah said as he walked out the room and shut the door. I sighed and smiled as I started getting dressed.

I got dressed in ‘ ’ straightened my hair, and brushed my teeth. Brooke was wearing skinny jeans and top, with a cardigan and converse. After that, I put my tooth brush and all my other stuff I had left, into my suit case. I zipped it up, grabbed my phone, and iPod off my cupboard. “Ready?“ I asked Brooke, getting the bag handle in my hand. She nodded and we dragged our bags downstairs. 

“FLIGHT 77832 TO QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA IS NOW BOARDING.” I groaned, as I was tired, as I walked with Jonah and Brooke through the terminal, and onto the plane. I sat in my seat, done my seatbelt and fell asleep. Next stop, home.

I could feel myself waking up, as I slowly opened my eyes, too see the lights on the plane dimmed and most people asleep. I looked too my right and saw Brooke eating a packet of crips, and watching a film, with headphones in. I looked at her screen and saw she was watching Charlie St. Cloud. Zac Efron, yum. Brooke noticed I was awake and looked at me. "Finally awake then! I've been sitting here for, well on this plane, 3 hours." I gave her a weird look and answered, "What do you mean, 'this plane'?". Brooke rolled her eyes obnoxiously, kidding, well I think, and replied, "We had to change planes, they don't go straight to Australia you know. Your dad carried you off and on the planes." I nodded and looked around me once again, oh, this does look like a differen't plane. "How much longer have we got until we're there?" I asked, Brooke grabbing my headphone from my bag. "Like, 5 hours, so I'm going to spend this time watching films. Adios." Brooke said, before putting her headphones back on her head and shutting me out. Oh okay. I quickly picked Freedom Writers to watch and setteled back into my seat.

I snapped out of my film as I heard shuffling around me. I opened my eyes, to see everybody up and getting there bags. “C’mon Soph, we’re here.” Jonah said as he smiled at me. I smiled back and grabbed my bag as I stood up and stretched my arms as I made my way off the plane.

We got our luggage and walked through the arrivals doors. I pointed at a sign the said ‘The Jones Family’ being held by a middle aged man. My mum, dad, me , Brooke and Jonah walked over to him. “The Jones’?” he asked, as he put the sign down. “Yes, that’s us.” my mum said smiling politely, “follow me.” he said, as he started walking towards the exit of the airport, with us following after him.

As we walked out the doors, the hot Australian air hit us. I smiled as I remembered what being home had been like. “Its boiling!” Brooke said as she took her cardigan off, and holding it in her hand, which wasn’t carrying her suitcase. “From Brad and Angie.” the man said, as he pointed towards a white limo. Mine and Brookes jaws dropped in amazement, we’ve never rode in a limo before. 

All I’ve done since I got up this morning, is smiled. “Mum, where are we staying?” I asked my mum, as she had a sip of her champagne, and licked her lips after, I giggled quietly as she looked at me, talking. “Umm, where staying in the same hotel as Brad and Angie and that I think its called Peppers. Apparently it’s a nice place, built 2 years ago.” She said as she drank some more of her champagne. I nodded and opened the sunroof. Me, Brooke and Jonah both looked at each other, before we stood up, through the open window and started screaming. “Woooo! It good to be home!” Jonah said as he flung his arms in the air. I could hear my mum and dad laughing at us. Me and Brooke laughed at him, before screaming and laughing with him. I stopped screaming and started looking around. People was staring as us, probably thinking we were freaks. We passed all the shops, cafés and beaches. We was still out the window, when I saw a huge building in front of us. I guess this is the hotel. I gasped as we came closer, and came into the car park. “ohm god.” Me and Brooke both said together. The limo stopped outside the entrance of the hotel. Me and Brooke jumped out the limo and ran to the doors. “Sophia! Brooke! Get your bags! We’re not your slaves!” I heard my dad shout. We walked to the boot of the limo, and grabbed our suitcases, before speed walking back to the entrance. “Go.” Mum said as she walked behind us. We opened the doors, and walked inside. “This is nice.” My mum said from behind us “uh, yeah!” Me and Brooke said at the same time.

We checked in about an hour ago, and now we’re waiting for Brad, Angie, Cody, Alli and Tom to come to our room, they just checked in, so they’ll be here soon. “You excited?” I asked Brooke and she was playing on her laptop. “Yeah! Thank you so much for bringing me here! And I get to meet Cody Simpson! Ahh!!” Brooke said having a little spaz attack at the end of her sentence. I laughed at her and said “Your welcome, don’t freak in front of him, he’ll think you’re a crazy over obsessed fan.” “Okay, but no promises!” she said as she smiled at me. 

Me and Brooke were talking when there was a knock on my door. I shouted for them to come in. the door opened and Cody stood there smiling at me. “Cody!” I shouted as I ran over to him and hugged him. “I missed you!” I said as hugged him tighter. “Not as much as me.” Cody said as he pulled out the hug, and kissed my lips. I kissed him back, and smiled as we pulled away, and I hugged him again.

“Cody this is Brooke, my best friend. Brooke this is Cody.” I said as I introduced them both. “it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Cody said as he pulled Brooke into a friendly hug. Brookes face was hilarious. “uh, I-I, uh, hi?” Brooke said as Cody let go of her. “C’mon, lets go see everybody else, they’ve missed you too.” Cody said as he took my hand and motioned for Brooke to come with us. Being here so far, has been great.

Reunitedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें