Part 25

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Sophia’s POV

We walked into the café, and sat a table, opposite sides from each other. “So, what did you need to talk about? Your not breaking up with me are you?” Cody asked, as he started to get worried. I shook my head, and answered, “Maybe I was abit to harsh on you.” I said, playing with my fingers. I hate admitting I am wrong. So he better appreciate this. He smiled abit at me. “continue.” He said, his smile, slowly growing into a smirk. “I’m sorry.” I mumbled, hoping he’d catch the drift. “I can’t hear you?” He said, as he leaned closer, and looked at me. “I’m sorry! Okay!?” I said, shouting a little, while leaning back, in my chair. Cody got up out of his seat, and dragged his chair next to me. He went to give me a hug, but I stopped him half way. “I’m still mad at you.” I said, looking at him, as his smile faded abit. I rolled my eyes, and hugged him around his torso, “but, I guess I can forgive you.” I said, smiling up at him. He smiled back at me, as he wrapped his arms around me.

“Aw, look who made up!” Alli said, as she came and sat at the table we was on, with Brooke. “I knew you guys would make up.” Alli said, as she smirked at us. “When they was little, if they had a fight, and Cody started it, after like 10 minutes, Cody would go run and say sorry a million times, until Sophia forgave him. And when Sophia would start it, she would start crying, and make Cody forgive her. So, either way, Sophia mostly never apologised.” Alli said, to Brooke, as we all laughed to the story. “Its not my fault, he always forgave me, and was a softy.” I said, as I looked up at Cody, smiling. He smiled back down at me, and kissed my forehead. “But you was the worst Alli!” I said, pointing towards her. “Me!? What did I do!?” Alli said, as she defended herself. “Well, lets start the list shall we?” I said, laughing a little at the end. “You’d break, literally, everything..”

Jonah’s POV

I opened my eyes slightly, and was blinded by the light. “Ugh.” I groaned, as I rubbed my eyes, expecting to wake up in my own bed. I opened my eyes fully, and saw I was in a hospital room. Oh no. 

“Good, you’re awake.” My dad said, sternly. “Hiya dad. How’re you doing?” I said, trying to lighten the mood. 

Yes I know why I am in here. I guess I went abit to crazy with the drinking the other night. “Do you have any, idea, hoe disappointed in you we are!?” My mum screamed at me, as she stood up. I just looked at her, I’ve never heard her so angry. “Your little sister, found you, not moving or communicating with her, in your bed. She came into our room, crying with fear! Not to mention how scared, we was!” My dad said, as he looked at me, with anger in his eyes. “I’m sorry, I just missed my friends, I wanted to hang out again. We’ve all grown up, and its not like I’m not allowed to drink, I am.” I said, sitting up, in the hospital bed. “We know you are! But not as much as you did. Jonah, you had alcohol poisoning, you must of drank a bloody lot! And you apologise to your sister when you see her, for putting her through that. And Cody! You made Cody keep a secret from all of us, causing him and Sophia to fall out.” Mum said, as she sat down, and stared at me. “I’m sorry.” I said again, as I put my head down. “Sorry aint gonna cut it young man. Up until 2 weeks after we get back to London, you are grounded. No going out with your friends, here or London. No, drinking. You’re not going out of our sight. And if you, dare, do anything like this again, you can move out. I am serious, I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour, while you live under my roof.” My dad said, being completely serious. I looked ahead of me. I was shocked at my dads words, I’ve never seen him angrier or more serious. “You got it?” He said, catching my attention. I nodded and put my head down.

There was a knock at the door, and my mum shouted for whoever it was. The door opened and Sophia and Cody came in. “Jonah, you’re awake!” She said, as she ran over to me and hugged me. I hugged her back, “I’m sorry Soph.” I said, as I rubbed her back. “It’s okay, just don’t scare me like that again. Please?” She asked, as she let go and looked at me. I nodded and kissed her cheek. I looked over at Cody, and smiled at him. “Sorry mate, for making you and Soph fall out because of me.” I said, as he walked over to me. “Its alright mate.” Cody replied, as he, gave me a man hug.

*later on in the day*

The doctor came in a while ago, and said, I was good to leave, I didn’t have to stay over night, but I just had to take some pills, for a few weeks and then I’d be good.

“C’mon, I think we all need a good nights sleep.” Brad said, to us all, as he opened the door. We all agreed, and headed out the hospital and towards the cars. 

“I really am sorry mum.” I said, as we walking to our rooms. “I know honey, I’m just so disappointed.” She said, as she hugged me. I hugged her back. I love my mums hugs. “Go on, go to bed, we’ve had a tiring day.” Mum said, as she kissed my head, and let go of me. I smiled, and headed to my room. 

I really am a idiot some times.

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