Part 36

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Reunited, Cody Simpson Story. Part 36 x

Cody's POV

"Thanks, funny how you couldn't text me good luck. Too busy with Kylie?" Sophia said as she smirked. I sighed and replied, "Look, I've said I was sorry about not talking to you this week, I've been busy with tour rehearsals and I'm sorry about not texting you good luck. Please? There is nothing going on with Kylie and I, we where just hanging out! I swear!" Pleading with her. "You still could of texted me good luck." Sophia said with a quiet voice. I sighed and instantly felt guilt. "I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you when you come over next." I said, giving her a warm smile. She nodded and started looking at her screen. I saw her eyes dart to different parts of the screen and she smiled. I couldn't help but smile at her, she's so beautiful. Suddenly my phone beeped, meaning I had received a text.

From Kylie:

Hey, Cody! You wanna hang out with me and Kendall? You can bring Alli too! Text back x

I shouldn't, but I need to spend time with my friends, which is all Kylie is. I looked back at the screen to see Sophia looking at me, well her camera. "Kylie?" she questioned me, raising a eyebrow. I shook my head discreetly while scoffing and looked back at the screen. "Kylie, Kendall, Alli and I, are ALL going to hang out soon." I said, putting emphasis on 'all'. Sophia rolled her eyes and replied back to me, "Go ahead, have fun. I can't stop you." before the call ended. I groaned in frustration, as I clicked off Skype and went on twitter. I went on my timeline and saw everyone tweeting about Kylie and I. I quickly exited it before shutting my shut my laptop down and put it under my pillow. Well thanks Sophia for putting me in a mood.

I walked to Alli's room and knocked on her door. "Come in." I heard her say before I opened her door to see her going through her closet. "Do you want to come out with Kyle, Kendall and I?" I asked, leaning on her doorframe. "Sure, I'm already dressed. Let's go." Alli replied, closing her closet door and walking out her room.

I nodded and quickly texted Kylie to say we was on our way.

It was pretty obvious I wasn't in the best of moods, Alli obviously caught on because she asked me, "Are you alright? You seem kinda, angry." careful of the words she used. "I'm fine, let's go." I replied as we went downstairs. I told mum and dad we was going out and we got a cab to Kendall and Kylie's house.

"Hey guys!" Kylie said as she embraced us in a warm hug after she opened her front door for us. I smiled and hugged her back. "Whaddup C Simpson!" Kendall shouted from the top of the stairs. I chuckled and replied. "Nothing much Jenner." "Hey Alli." Kendall said warmly as she did the same as Kylie and hugged us both.

We decided to take a walk along the boardwalk and just chill, but it was kind of hard with paparazzi following us. "Are you alright? You seen a bit, tense?" Kylie asked me, as we walked behind Alli and Kendall. "Yeah, just Sophia, being bitchy." I replied, scratching the back of my neck. "What happened? It wasn't because of me was it?" Kylie asked, panicking. I sighed, shaking my head, before replying, "She's just a bit peed off I've been hanging round with you, and not telling her. I think she's blowing things way out of proportion. She knows I'd never cheat on her, I wouldn't even think of it! I just don't understand why she's getting so worked up about it." "Have you told her, what you've told me?" Kylie asked, looking at me. I shook my head and looked down at my shoes. "Well talk to her and get her to listen to you. Let her talk first though, because that'll just piss her off if you don't let her talk first. I may not know her, but I know how a girls brain works." Kylie said to me. She gives some good advice. "Thanks Kyle's." I said before giving her a side hug, and we caught up to Alli and Kendall.

The papz were still following us. They weren't being annoying, but we could hear The clicking of the cameras. I don't understand why they're following us, nothing is going on with me and Kylie! I got out my phone and clicked on twitter. Time to set the record straight.

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