Part 24

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Sophia's POV

We was sitting in the hospital room, we had been for hours, waiting for Jonah to wake up. Boy is he gonna be in trouble when he wakes up.

Angie, Brad, Brooke, Alli and... Cody, was all still waiting in the waiting room.

"So, Cody knew and didn't tell us?" My mum said, as she sighed at the end. I nodded, and blew a rasberry, "I think he should come and explain what he knows." My dad said, as he stood up off the chair, and walked out the room. "Don't do anything stupid Sophia." My mum said, as I leaned against her. I nodded into her shoulder. Just as I did that, the door opened, and my dad and Cody came in. Cody was about to sit by me, but I gave him a look, and he sat on the chair beside my dad. "So, tell us what you know." My dad said, as he patted his shoulder. "Okay. Well, um, when I took Sophia to see all of our old friends again, that's when it started." "So about 4 days ago!?" I shouted, getting angry. He sighed, and nodded before continuing. "Well, I went to tell him, that we was leaving, and he was with his friends, and when I got closer to him, I could smell alcohol. But I don't know where he got it from, because we was in a public cafe. So yeah, I just thought it would be a one time thing, so I didn't think any more of it. But that night, there was a loud bang, so I went to see what it was. It was Jonah, and he wreaked of some sort of alcohol. He was stumbling around, so I walked over, and basically he made me not tell anybody. But I would of if I would of known it'd lead to this. I'm so sorry I never told you guys." Cody said all of that, looking at me. "Its okay Cody, but thanks for telling us now." My dad said, as Cody looked at him. He nodded, and things got a bit awkward. "I'm getting a drink." I said, as I stood up and walked out the door.

Maybe I treated Cody a little to bad, I mean, yeah he should of told, but as he said, he didn't know it would turn out, like this. My thoughts were interrupted, when I heard, what seemed like running, from behind me. I turned around, to Cody running towards me, and, unfortunately he ran straight into me. We both fell on the ground. He fell on top of me. "Oh I'm sorry." He said as, he looked down at me. "Seriously, I've heard sorry enough from you." I said, immediately taking back how harshly I said it, when I saw the look in Cody's eyes. "I didn't mean for it to come out like that." I said, as I tried to look anywhere but him. "Um, could you get off me please." "Oh, um yeah." Cody said, getting up, then offering his hand out for me to take. "Look Cody, we need to talk." I said, as I looked at him. "What about?" He said, as he looked at me, almost scared. "Just things, so please?" I asked, practically begging. He nodded, and I started walking, as Cody followed me I started walking, with Cody following, towards the cafe.

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