chapter 1: the start of a REALISTIC school life

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"Well then...being in high school sucks," I muttered quietly as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I was wearing a navy blue blazer, my hair practically being messy as always, as I adjusted my fake glasses. What's wrong with wearing fake glasses?

Hello everyone! I'm Kimeraretaon Mesagi! I'm 16 years old and I'll be starting high school. I hope I get to meet some new friends.

"Mesagi! Hurry up and get your ass down here now!!" My sister's voice yelled out throughout the hallway. I sighed as I grabbed my shoulder bag and walked through the hallway.

Unlike most anime character clichés or OCs who has tragic pasts about losing their parents and stuff, mine is the only one being somewhat I right? Correct me if I'm wrong.

"Jeez Mesagi! What took you so long?!" My sister asked. She had long black hair reaching her waist, wearing a navy blue sailor uniform. Meaning, she'll be going to the same school I'll be going, since she's a year older than me.

My sister's name is Kimeraretaon Megu. Don't ask me what my parents were thinking, giving her a name like that, but I'm not gonna complain. Honest.

"Sorry," I muttered out, as I munched on a toast. "Jeez, you're the same as always, Mesagi-senpai," a voice said behind me and I felt shivers down my spine.

"What are you doing here, Anne?" I asked, looking at my friend. She raised an eyebrow as if I said something weird.

Anne Venti is my...what was the word? Oh yeah, kouhai. She's also neighbours with me. At that time, I wonder why does she go to school with me, when we go to different schools.

"Anyway, you have to hurry up. High school's no joke," Megu-nii said to me and I sighed. "Okay. I'm going."

Time skip

"Alright, everyone, simmer down," the teacher said as I stayed near the door. "We have a new student...boys, don't be so hopeful, it's a guy," the teacher continued and I heard groans obviously from the boys, and I snickered.

Why...just why do teachers have to be pretty dumb with the situation with new students? This teacher, though, rocks. Knows exactly what to do in new student situations.

"You may come in, Mr. K-Kime...whatever your last name is, it's too long for me to pronounce," the teacher said, and I blushed a bit, hearing snickers in the classroom.

Never mind, I'm screwed. Most teachers can't really pronounce my name, but they CAN when it comes to my sister.

I went into the classroom, grinning. "Hello everyone. I am Kimeraretaon Mesagi. Pleased to meet everyone," I introduced myself, bowing down.

I don't know what everyone else was thinking so I just stood back up and regain my composure. "You may sit at any empty seat you can find," the teacher said.

I nodded and went to the empty seat near the centre and sat there and everyone just suddenly gave me a stare. I just shrugged.

And once again, unlike most anime characters and OCs, I don't like sitting near the window. Why would you stare off into deep space, when you can be in the center, barely seen by the teachers?

"Okay then. Today, there's nothing much. You may talk but not too loud," the teacher said as he went to his desk and started writing on something. Other student's work, I suppose.

I just sat there, as I took off my glasses. "Why did I wear this in the first place?" I muttered. "Those are fake glasses?" A guy beside me asked, tilting his head.

The guy obviously has the same uniform as I do. He has messy blue hair and red eyes. He's also got a good face.

"Yeah. They are," I replied, giving him the glasses for him to look. He looked and examined it as if it was something important.

"Okay then. Hi, I'm Shin Rae Kyun," he introduced himself, smiling at me. 'A Korean huh?' I thought, as I smiled back.

All of a sudden, a bunch of girls suddenly surround Rae Kyun as I stayed on my seat, holding onto dear life.

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