Chapter 26: Secret Rumours

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???'s POV

"You forgot to wash your dishes!"

I heaved a sigh. I thought I already did! I went downstairs and found my mother right in the kitchen beside the sink. Cups and plates were in the sink.

"Those aren't my plates! I've already washed mine!"

"Really? Where is it, then?"




Mesagi's POV

I heaved a sigh as me, Shouri and En Chyn were ready for our tournament, which will begin in a few hours. En Chyn told me he lost his deck and was using a replacement instead, which was a Dimension Police 'Dimensional Robo' deck. Shouri told me that his deck was nearly stolen. He only managed to prevent it because Dead End literally woke him up.

Something's not right. These new clans are getting stolen all over the place. Even I haven't seen my Luck Depender deck yet.

"Something in your mind, Mesagi?" Aka's voice snapped me back to reality. I realised I was all alone in the stadium's cafeteria, with Aka. Her voice echoed throughout the entire cafeteria.

"I just find it rather odd."

"What do you mean?"

"These new clans. They're being stolen and dissapearing from the shelves. ."

"Yeah. Now that you mention it, I haven't seen En Chyn using his Galactic Saviours recently."

By the way, Galactic Saviours was the name of En Chyn's deck.

"Something really isn't right this time around, too. No one's here. As if it was never touched in the first place."

"Maybe this place was on shutdown for government inspection."

"If it was, then the door's would've been locked."

"Oh. Good point."

"Hey Mesagi?" En Chyn's voice echoed throughout the cafeteria, catching our attention. He was standing at the doorway, with Shouri and Mr. Kagurai. Their faces showed that they were somewhat worried.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We gotta leave."

. . . . . . . .

"Thanks for being here, all of you," that voice. Sekkutsu.

I was in a meeting of some sort, in a building nearby the stadium. I don't know why me, Shouri, Mr. Kagurai, En Chyn, the other quarter finalists and some other people I don't recognise are here, but the tension in the air is really strong.

"Why are we here?" I decided to voice out.

"Well, thank you for asking that question, Mesagi. We're all here for an obvious reason. The recently released clans are being stolen and is dissapearing in an alarming rate. We think that there's an insider who stole those cards and gave them to someone else, but can't determine who."

"What's so important about those cards?" A feminine voice coming from the Fuyu Academy side asked.

"We haven't really released them yet. If it was leaked to the public, but not released, clearly there would be lesser players who cardfight, resulting in lesser chances of success."

"So it's all about the money?" A student from 'X' High School claimed.

"No. He didn't mean money. He meant something else. Can you explain it, Sekkutsu?" I said out. I know what Sekkutsu meant, but I admit, I'm as confused as they are. Why are those cards so important? Do they have some sort of supernatural powers that we don't know?

"Thank you, Mesagi. Now, I don't know if any of you have noticed, but, do you know anything about Void and Reverse?"

'Void and Reverse?' I thought. I saw Mr. Kagurai shifting in his seat.

"What's that?" En Chyn asked.

"Void is a supernatural being from Cray. Somehow, it came to Earth in a form of a card."

I glanced at En Chyn, who had a shocked face. I remembered when he first got to the Vanguard Club. He cross-break ride a card that had Void in its card name.

What was it?

Oh yeah.

Void, The True Form.

So Void's true form was a card?

As if Sekkutsu could read my mind, he replied, "yes. Void, in its true form, is a card. A vanguard card. It's overwhelming and overpowered, wasn't it?"

Me and Shouri nodded. We both had seen it in action, and we won't forget it.

"But my deck was stolen," En Chyn stated.

"Oh no. They must've found the card. We gotta find the perpetrators, fast."

"Wait, you do know that you're the second strongest cardfighter, so why don't you do it yourself?" Someone from Shirogane Academy said out.

"Because no one believes me."

"Sekkutsu," I said out, and he looked at me.

"Give them time to think. How about until tomorrow? Maybe they can give a more proper answer for your quest in search of Void."

Sekkutsu contemplated, before he slowly nodded.

A/N: I never wanted this book to be serious, but I can't help it!!! TT-TT

Vanguard, Stand!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon