Chapter 25: Other Areas Of Card Town

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A/N: I'm going back to Mesagi's first person POV, as I'm more of a pro with First Person POV now.

I decided to stay a little bit longer, since Lucine suggested him to do it. Who knows, I'd probably get something new. I went to explore the Dark Zone area, where I expected the place to be as dark as the name, and full of emo people, 'cuz hey, Dark Zone.

The first place (clan, as the Dark Zone is split into different clans) I visited was Gear Chronicle. And my oh my, there were a lot, I repeat, A LOT, of steam punk themes here and there. There's several people in it. There was guy who wore steam punk-like clothing, resembling Steam Soldier, Alu. I quickly left, as I felt plenty of eyes on me. I next visited the Dark Irregulars, where monsters and succubus exist.

And I nearly wanted to ask someone from the Dragon Empire to burn my eyes with a poker.

So many women were there, and also wore utterly revealing clothing. These women are more than likely are trying to imitate a succubus, but then again, I could be wrong and their doing it for the sake of cosplay. I went to the Pale Moon area, and I admit, the tricks they do are marvelous.


I mean, c'mon! Who's not impressed at someone who's juggling boomerangs in the air?!

"What're you doing here, Mesagi?" Lucine's voice snapped me to reality.

"Oh just walking around the place. Y'know, familiarising," I replied, smiling. She nodded.

"I see. Impressive area, isn't it?"

"Truly. I've never seen anyone juggling boomerangs before, and-oh, card tricks!"

"Yeah, that's kinda typical."

"What, using vanguard cards for card tricks?"

"Uh. . . No. I think you should go to the Spike Brothers now."

I nodded and left the Pale Moon area and went to the Spike Brothers area. Upon arrival, I saw mostly boys, cardfighting and conversing like normal people. But, I have a feeling that these guys are sore losers or something.

I left the Spike Brothers area, and subsequently, the Dark Zone, as I have explored the nation already. Now to the United Sanctuary.

I went to Oracle Think Tank first, 'cuz hey, OTT's my clan. Upon arrival, a lot of Battle Sisters, Magus-es, and some normal ones are there. All of a sudden, someone resembling Battle Sister, Chocolat came towards me. She even had the gatling gun Chocolat had strapped at her back, and she was as short as Chocolat.

"Are you the one who bested Yo Sakana?" She asked. Her voice was high pitched, which indicated that she might be younger than I thought she is.

"Well, probably. Look, I gotta go."

I quickly left the Oracle Think Tank area. And this place really makes me wonder.

'Why are there so many cosplayers?!!'

I heaved a sigh as I went to the Shadow Paladin area. The person I first saw was Luard.

"Uh. . . ."

"Visitor?" She asked.

"Uhm. . . Yes."


Awkwardness and silence seeped into us, and I saw the Blaster Dark girl at the tournament. She still wore the mask, apparently. She was leaning against a pillar, and at her waist was the sword of Blaster Dark.

"Hey, aren't you the girl with the Witches at the tournament?" I asked her.

"Oh. Aren't you the one with the Exculpate?" She asked back.

"Well. . . Yes."

"I see."

I decided to leave the Shadow Paladin and to the Royals next. All I can say is, they're normal.

After exploring majority of the nation areas and clans later. . .

Only one place left to visit. The Bermuda Triangle clan. For some reason, there's a long line in front of me. All of them being males. I have a guess, but I can't just jump to conclusions. 'Cause if I do, and if it's wrong, I'd feel stupid.

If memory serves, Bermuda Triangle consists of. . . Idol mermaids, I think.


Hold on a minute. . . . .


These guys are fans.


I left the line, now knowing why they were lining up for. I heaved a small sigh, as I took out my two decks. The Blasters and the Battle Sisters.

"Do you want to sign up?" A familiar voice said to me from behind. I jolted, and quickly turned around.

"Oh. Sekkutsu Stradivarius!" I exclaimed. He had no changes whatsoever.

"It's comfy seeing you here to be honest. Lucine invited you?"

"Yeah. Although, I haven't signed up to Card Town yet."

"Well, it's your choice, anyway. No one's stopping you."

"I see. . ."

"Can I see your decks?"

I gave him the two decks. He shook his head.

"You shouldn't apply a 17, 11, 11, 11 strategy with the grades, buddy."

"Oh. . ."

"I know you won those matches just because of sheer luck of hand. But if you want to really win without luck, try applying a 17, 13-14, 11-12, 8 strategy. Arguably, that's the most effective strategy."

I nodded, before he gave me my decks. I went through the decks, and was surprised that some new cards were there and some familiar ones were not. I looked up and Sekkutsu was gone.


I gritted my teeth, and heaved a sigh of dissapointment.

"Sore ga jinsei."

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