chapter 21: The Witch's Seduction and Saviour of Souls

37 3 3

Hand: 5
Damage: 3 [2 CB-ed]
Soul: 2

Female Blaster Dark
Hand: 5
Damage: 3
Soul: 1

". . . This is getting stale, huh?"

"Yep. Anyway, stand and draw. I ride Cultus Witch, Rias! (11000) I call Skull Witch, Nemain (3000) and using her skill, I counter blast one and discard a card. I draw two cards. And now. What we've all been waiting for. . . Legion!!"

"Uh oh."

All of the four cards in the drop zone went into the deck, and a card soon appeared out of it, revealing, 'Inspection Witch, Deidre.'

"Legion time!! I use Rias' skill. Counter blast two, and you check the top five cards for a grade zero."

"Why would I-ah well."

Mesagi draw the top five cards.

'Margal, Flogal, Marron, Alfred Oath and Hyakko. I'll go with Margal.'

"Done it."

"Replace Llew with that."

"Wait what?!!"

"Oh no. Mesagi's gonna lose, for sure," Mr. Kagurai commented.

"Whaddya mean? He has luck, right?" En Chyn said.

"Watch and learn."

"I replace Llew with Margal."

"I now use Legion skill. I retire Nemain, and you get minus 5000 for every grade zero rear-guard you have."

". . . . I HAVE -5000 on Vanguard?!!!!"


"Ah, what the. . ."

"I call Witch of Comets, Manisa (10000), Witch of Black Doves, Goewin (4000) and Witch of Goats, Medb (4000). I use both of their skills. Medb first. I soul charge and counter charge. Goewin goes to the top of the deck and you get a minus 5000. Oh, and I'll shuffle my deck."

"Yep. Mesagi's doomed," Shouri said.

"My Vanguard is now -10000. . . . Da fuq?"

The Blaster Dark woman cackles, which made Mesagi shiver.

"This is your end!! Boosted by Lir, Legion attack!! (25000)"

"N-no guard."

"Twin drive. (Lizard Witch, Eine, draw) draw trigger. Five thousand to Femme and draw. Second. (Witch of Black Doves, Goewin, critical) critical trigger. Five thousand to Femme and critical stays to vanguard. (Legion: 25000, 2★.) (Femme: 19000)"

"Oh no. Damage check. (Yggdrasil Inheritor, Elaine, heal) heal trigger. Five thousand to my vanguard and heal a damage. Second. (Exculpate, the Blaster) no trigger. (BBB: -5000)"

"He had two?!!" The announcer yelled, and everyone was shocked at the fact that he had two Exculpate, the Blasters in his deck.

"Femme attacks! (19000)"

"No guard. Damage check. (Little Tactician, Marron)"

"End turn."

Hand: 3
Damage: 4 [1 CB-ed]
Soul: 2

Female Blaster Dark
Hand: 6
Damage: 3 [1 CB-ed]
Soul: 3

"Stand and draw. . . I ride Blaster Blade Exceed! (11000) Bring on the new Generation!! Stride on! Holy Dragon, Religious Soul Saver! (26000) I use Blaster Blade Exceed's Stride skill. Counter blast one, I search for a Blaster Blade in the deck and put it into my hand."

"So what?"

"You'll see. I use Margal's skill to go into the soul and Religious Soul Saver gets plus 3000. (HD, RSS: 29000). I use Barcgal's GB skill. Counter blast one, goes into the soul, and I superior call Blaster Blade! (9000) I call Aspire Painter (9000) and using its skill, I counter charge one and it gets a plus 3000. (AP: 12000) I call Little Tactician, Marron (7000) and using his skill, I counter blast one and I superior call Blaster-Friend, Barcgal! (7000) and also, Barcgal gets plus 3000! (BF,B: 10000) I now use Barcgal's skill. Since it's in the same column as Blaster Blade, I counter charge one."

"He's using counter blasts and counter charges? Why would he do that?" The announcer asked Sekkutsu.

"So he can use the skills of his rear-guards to full potential. Duh," Sekkutsu replied.

"I use Religious Soul Saver's skill! Counter blast one and G Blast the same card, I choose Blaster Blade, Marron, and Aspire Painter to get plus 5000, and since I have two cards with 'Blaster' in the soul, Religious Soul Saver gets plus crit!! (BB: 14000; LT,M: 12000; AP: 14000; HD,RSS: 2★) boosted by Marron, Religious Soul Saver attacks first!! (41000, 2★)"

"Nullified with Little Skull Witch, Nemain!"

"Triple drive! (Margal, draw) draw trigger. Five thousand to Marron and draw. Second. (Encourage Angel, stand) stand. All effects to Marron. Third. (Floral Paladin, Flogal, critical) critical. Five thousand to Marron and critical to Vanguard (LT,M: 27000; HD,RSS: 3★) boosted by Barcgal, Blaster Blade attacks! (24000)"

"No guard. Damage check. (Witch of Attraction, Adora)"

"Boosted by Flogal, Aspire Painter attacks! (18000)"

"No guard. Damage check. (Witch of Intelligence, Dehtail)"

"I use Flogal's skill!!!"

Everyone's eyes went towards Mesagi.

"Counter blast one, goes into soul and I superior ride Blaster Blade!!! (9000)"

"WHAT THE HELL?!!!!" Everyone but Mesagi shouted out.

"Boosted by Marron, Blaster Blade, give the final blow!! (36000)"

"WHAT SORT OF SORCERY IS THIS?!!!" The announcer and Sekkutsu yelled out of shock.

"So he called Aspire Painter to counter charge and used Marron's skill to call Barcgal to counter charge as well, so he can unleash a barrage of attacks to his opponent. Not to mention he gave all the five thousand trigger effects to Marron to anticipate Blaster Blade as Vanguard with Flogal's skill."

"No. . . Guard. . ." The Blaster Dark woman didn't have enough to guard.

"Drive check. (Encourage Angel, stand) stand trigger. All effects to Aspire Painter. (AP: 19000)"

"Damage check. . . (Witch of Cursed Talisman, Etain) I. . . Lost."

"The winner is Mesagi!!!"

Everyone cheered in happiness for Mesagi. Mesagi heaved a small sigh and watched as the Blaster Dark woman stared at Mesagi. Or at least, that's what he thinks. He then saw the girl's lips curve into a seductive smirk, before she grabbed all of her cards and went back to her group.

Mesagi grabbed his own cards and heaved a small sigh.

"What a day."

The Blaster Dark woman put her two fingers at the side of her helmet.

"Found someone who beaten me," she said.

"Really?" A monotonous voice said. There was silence for a while before the voice continued, "bring him or her to me after the tournament."


"Hey~, Kairi!!" A cheerful voice said out.

"Oh, hi, Otokoe!" The Blaster Dark woman, or Kairi, replied, looking at her friend and team mate, Otokoe.

Otokoe was female, apparently. She had bright green eyes, waist-length black hair, and the prefect uniform of VG High School, which consists of a green tie (indicating that she's a first year), a black blazer with silver edges (like the G kind), brown pants and black shoes.

"When are you gonna take the mask off?" Otokoe asked.


Kairi took her mask off, revealing her left eye to be red and the other was dark brown.

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