chapter 19: Break Time!

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Time skip since I have no idea what to do. . . Well summary, it was En Chyn vs the girl name Feng Ten, and he won.

"Well that settles the first round! Now we have...two hours break!" The announcer yelled out.

"Man, sitting here for a long time really does bore the hell out of me," Shouri said, arching his back.

"Meh. Standing is harder," Mesagi said, putting a hand onto his hips.

"Hey guys!" Mr. Kagurai called us. "Yeah?" En Chyn said. "C'mon. Let's eat outside."


"When you said let's eat outside, I didn't expect us to literally eat outside," Shouri said, as they were below a tree, eating and drinking whatever they brought.

"I take most things literally. Besides, I know the food court would be cramped with people, anyway," Mr. Kagurai replied.

"Mind if we eat here too?" A familiar voice said. It came from the representatives of Gankino High School.

"Nope. Go ahead," Mesagi answered, smiling brightly. "Y'know Mesagi. One of these days, that positivity of yours will scare the hell out of people, " Shouri stated, eating sushi.

"Unlike a guy who mumbles things towards their own card," Mesagi unintentionally roast-commented Shouri.

An anime vein appeared on Shouri's head, as he glared at Mesagi.

"Sorry to interrupt 'Your Mama' dissing competition, but do you two tend to fight a lot?" Feng Ten asked.

"Actually no. This is a first," Mr. Kagurai replied, as Mesagi was busy slurping down a cup ramen.

"Do you have more ramen?" Kiri asked. Mesagi modded and gave each of the representatives of Gankino High School a cup ramen.

He then took out a boiling kettle from who knows where and gave each of them an equal volume of hot water to their cup ramen.

"Dude, you gotta stop giving away stuff for other people, please," Shouri told Mesagi.

"Why not? They're gonna leave anyway, so it's best we give them something so they can remember us," Mesagi replied.

" have a stupidly good point there," Shouri said, before he continued eating.

"Mhm," En Chyn agreed as well, as he continued eating as well.

"Uh oh," Mesagi then held onto his stomach. "I gotta go to the bathroom!" He said.

"I'll accompany you, Mesagi," Kiri said and the others just smirked at this.

"Okay. Drag me to the bathroom. Now," Mesagi said, before falling to ground, and becoming very stiff.

"Hey you two!" Feng Ten yelled out, as Kiri was too busy dragging Mesagi.

"What?!" Kiri yelled back. "Don't go doing some dirty deeds okay?! You guys are teens!" Feng Ten yelled again.

"S-sh-shut up!!!" Kiri yelled again, now literally blushing. "Gosh Mesagi can't you just get up already?!" Kiri said.

Mesagi slowly got to his feet. "Let's go," Kiri said, grabbing Mesagi's hand and went to get him to the toilet.

When they got there though, Mesagi suddenly fell to the ground. "What now?!" Kiri asked.

"My legs fell asleep. Help," he said, and Kiri sighed as she had to carry him to the male's bathroom without being seen.

"Thank goodness there's no one  taking a toilet break," Kiri muttered as she set Mesagi onto a toilet.

"You can do the rest yourself," Kiri said, going out of the bathroom.

When she got out, she held onto her face, now blushing. "That was so embarrassing!" She muttered.

"Well at least that's out of the bucket list, " she muttered again.


"Kiri!!" Mesagi yelled out. "What is it?!" Kiri yelled back. "I've already flushed and stuff but for some reason, my arms fell asleep too!!"

"What?!!" Kiri then sighed and she went in. She then stopped. 'Wait hold on....'

She blushed. "I'm gonna see...the thing?" She went out again, being so hesitant.

"Help me, please!! I can't do things by myself now!!" Mesagi yelled out, and he was literally panicking.

"I promise I'll cover my bottom parts!!" He yelled again and that gave Kiri some confidence.

She then went in, and when she reached Mesagi's stall, she closed her eyes and opened the door.

She then slowly walked in a straight line. "Okay you can stop there," Mesagi guided Kiri.

That was the time when Shouri came in and seeing that Kiri was kneeling down in front Mesagi made him went out and asked, "where's a hot poker? I wanna burn my eyes. Please."

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