chapter 20: Who's in that Blaster Dark suit?

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"Mesagi, what were you doing in the bathroom?" Shouri asked, once they had grouped back up.

"Pooping and stuff, why?" Mesagi asked, tilting his head innocently. "Did you had a...sausage or something?" Shouri asked, trying to sound as nice as possible.

"Hah? What's that?" Mesagi asked. "Oh. So you weren't. I must have misunderstood something..." Shouri then trailed off. Mesagi raised an eyebrow but then shrugged. They then went to watch other schools cardfight each other.

The schools that made it to the second round:

Touken Ranbu Academy

VG High School

Ekkusu High School

Shiku High School

Gunganei High School (eliminated)

Bishin High School

Shirogane Academy

Kufun High School (eliminated)

Terorin High School (eliminated)

Fuyu Academy

Aite High School (eliminated)

School of Foreigners (eliminated)

"Alright guys. Let's up our. . . Lever? Levi? Le. . ." Mesagi seem to have a hard time to get the name right.

"Level," Shouri said simply. "Ah yeah! Thanks, Shouri!" Mesagi said, smiling.

"Alright. Now it's Touken Ranbu Academy against VG High School!" The announcer said.

"This time, it's Mesagi against. . . Who's in that Blaster Dark armour?" The announcer said. As Mesagi got to the arena, he blinked at who was in front of him. The person was wearing a fully Blaster Dark outfit without the sword. No, not Diablo. The original Blaster Dark, and had its face (all but the mouth) covered by a futuristic looking mask.

"Alright. I hope you're ready," Mesagi said, smiling. The person said nothing. The person took its deck out, while Mesagi did the same.


"VAMANOS (Spanish for 'let's go') , MY VANGUARD!"

(No one had done this before, right? Right? No one even does 'Vanguard, Stand' except me.)

"Blue Scud, Barcgal! (5000)"

"Witch of Banquets, Lir! (5000)"

This caused Mesagi to blink even more. "You're using Witches, but you're wearing a Blaster Dark armour?" He asked.

"All the Witch clothes are too revealing. That's why I'm not wearing it," the person, having a feminine voice, replied.

"Okay. . . I'll go first," Mesagi told her. She nodded at him. "Draw and ride Bringer of Divine Grace, Epona! (6000) Barcgal moves back and end turn."

Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Soul: 0

Female Blaster Dark
Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Soul: 0

"Draw and ride Witch of Precious Stones, Dana! (7000) Lir moves back and boosted by Lir, Dana goes! (12000)"

"No guard!" Mesagi said happily.

'What is with this kid?' Everyone thought, sweat dropping.

"Drive check. (Witch of Comets, Manisa) no trigger."

"Damage check. (Margal, draw) a draw. Five thousand to my vanguard and draw."

"I end turn."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1
Soul: 0

Female Blaster Dark
Hand: 6
Damage: 0
Soul: 0

"Stand and draw. I ride Blaster Blade!! (9000) I call Dream Painter (6000) and with its skill, a card in my hand goes into the soul. Now Blaster Blade attacks!"

"I don't guard."

"Okay. Drive check. (Floral Paladin, Flogal, critical) critical. Five thousand to Dream Painter and critical stays to vanguard."

"Damage check. (Witch's Familiar, Kuroma) second. (Lizard Witch, Eine, draw). Draw trigger. Five thousand to vanguard and draw."

"End turn."

Hand: 5
Damage: 1
Soul: 1

Female Blaster Dark
Hand: 7
Damage: 2
Soul: 0

"Stand and draw. . . I ride Comet Witch, Serva! (10000) I call Witch of Reality, Femme (9000) and boosted by Lir, Serva attacks! (15000)"

"I don't guard!"

"Drive check. (Cultus Witch, Rias) no trigger."

"Damage check. (Exculpate the Blaster) no trigger."

"Oh no!! It's Exculpate in the damage zone!!" The announcer yelled, and everyone gasped in shock.

"Exculpate was our only hope of winning. Looks like luck wasn't on Mesagi's side," En Chyn said, sighing.

"He doesn't JUST need Exculpate to win. He needs Lohengrin, Aspire Painter and Dream Painter to win as well, since those cards can help in his soul stacking. Unfortunately, Royal Paladin isn't like Dark Irregulars, so it's a bit of a problem," Mr. Kagurai explained.

"Well well. Didn't expect Exculpate," the female Blaster Dark said, and then continued, "Femme attacks! Since I have a vanguard with Witch in its card name, she gets an additional 3000! (12000)"

"I guard with Blaster Blade! (14000)"

"End turn."

Hand: 4
Damage: 3
Soul: 1

Female Blaster Dark
Hand: 7
Damage: 2
Soul: 1

"Stand and draw. I ride Blaster Blade Burst! (10000) I call New Blaster Style, Llew (11000), and Floral Paladin, Flogal (4000)!  I use Llew's skill! Since I have Blaster Blade in the drop zone, Blaster Blade goes into the bottom of the deck, and Llew gets plus 5000! Boosted by Flogal, Llew attacks! (20000)"

"20000 already, huh? No guard. Damage check. (Barrier Witch, Grainne)"

"Now Blaster Blade Burst attacks! I use his skill to counter blast two and he gets both Llew and Flogal's power!! (25000)"

"No guard."

"You sound confident. Twin drive. (Encourage Angel, stand) stand trigger! All effects to Llew! Second check. (Margal, draw) draw trigger. Five thousand to Llew and I draw."

"Well well. Not bad. Damage check. (Witch of Heresy, Jeliddo, heal) a heal trigger. Five thousand to vanguard and heal."

"Ah darn it. Llew attacks your vanguard again! (26000)"

"The power is slightly bigger than Blaster Blade Burst, eh? I guard with Witch of Goats, Medb, and Skull Witch, Nemain! (30000)"

"Well, end turn."

Hand: 5
Damage: 3 [2 CB-ed]
Soul: 2

Female Blaster Dark
Hand: 5
Damage: 3
Soul: 1

". . . This is getting stale, huh?"

"Yep. Anyway, stand and draw. I ride Cultus Witch, Rias! (11000) I call Skull Witch, Nemain (3000) and using her skill, I counter blast one and discard a card. I draw two cards. And now. What we've all been waiting for. . ."

To be continued. . .

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