chapter 11: no it's not. why would you think so?

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"Welp, at least there's Buddyfight!" I exclaimed, a light bulb appearing on my head. I grabbed it and attached it to my desklamp.

Time skip, one week later

Aka's POV

"You have to go an apologise now, Aka!!" Hachiso said to me and I sighed. "I can't. He wouldn't make eye contact with me," I replied.

"But didn't he kept smiling at you?" She said. Now that I think about it, he does keep smiling at me, and he seemed happy.

"Don't tell me he stopped playing Vanguard," Hachiso then looked down, and I know she was upset.

"Why're you-?" She instantly cut me off. "Because he was the only friend that understands me and himself the most!!" She yelled at me.

I blinked. "What?" I asked. "Like I said, he knows he himself is lucky and knows that I'm bad in Vanguard," she explained fully.

"He even said to me that he wanted to get rid of this luck of his because he got blackmailed!" She continued.

"Hold on. Blackmailed?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yes. Practically people are jealous that he's always lucky, so rich people go to such an extent to blackmail," she replied.

"Ah..." I looked down out of shame. "So was he always hiding the fact he's sad by being positive all the time?" I asked.

"Nope. He's naturally positive, nevertheless of the situation. Strange, right?" She said and I nodded. I finally get it.


Mesagi's POV

"Man, I suck," I admitted, after putting the Buddyfight deck into one of my drawers. I decided to go and take a walk around town.

"I'm going!" I yelled out and I went out of the house. I decided to walk to the park where I used to go when I was a kid.

When I got there, I saw plenty of people. Old men and women doing yoga even though it's already afternoon.

Kids playing at the playground and kids playing cards...yes, even tarot cards. I don't blame them for playing with tarot cards.

I then saw a girl who had this depressed aura. She had bluish-green hair but I can't tell her eye colour, but she seems like a foreigner....and why does her skin colour remind me of that guy with Aqua Force in 'G'? Do anyone care that I broke the 4th wall?

"You okay there?" I asked to her and she looked at me, revealing seductive, pink eyes. I blinked. 'What the heck?' I thought.

"S-stay away from me!" She stuttered out and she seemed scared, so I was confused.

I slowly approached her but all of a sudden, I tripped towards the girl. I closed my eyes, thinking, 'brace for impact!'

But then I felt something soft, generally my chest area and I felt warmth on my lips...for the second time?

When I felt the warmth dissapear, I opened my eyes and saw the girl, blushing like mad.

"What happened?" I asked, confused. She pushed me off of her. "I...I didn't know you liked me..."

I tilted my head in confusion, but she then bowed down. "Can we...uh..." she started to fiddle her fingers.

"Continue on," I said. She blushed even more before she said the words I think I've never heard of: "can we go on a date?"

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