chapter 10: is it the end?

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"Okay Mesagi we have a few questions we need to ask you," Aka said to me and I shrugged at this, meaning, 'yeah sure.'

"How are you always lucky in cardfights?" She asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. Honest," I replied.

She raised an eyebrow. "Okay...can I see your deck, just in case?" I shrugged and gave it to her. All of a sudden, she threw it out of the window.

I instantly ran to the window as I saw all the cards flying everywhere. "This isn't you, Aka! What the heck?!" I said, as she sighed.

"You keep besting everyone y'know. Maybe you should've stopped playing like you used to," she said, and I blinked.

"This really isn't you, Aka!!" I exclaimed. "Well, you might be a threat to the Vanguard community, so it's best that you stop. It's for your own good," Aka continued.

That felt as if I was being shot to the chest, except that it was 10 times less painful, but it still hurts.

"Y...." I looked down, shaking. "You're just like everyone else that didn't care about a single person who has a dream and shatters it," I said before leaving the club, closing the door harshly in everyone's face.

Time skip

"I guess they were right. Maybe Vanguard didn't cut out for me..." I mumbled, sighing. "I hate this life now...."

'Wonder what would happen....'

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