chapter 7: Finding

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"Man, was that guy pessimistic," I said, smiling. I finally know how it feels like to lose.

If I had to be honest, I wanna try losing in a real, serious cardfight. And it felt crushingly.....good, honestly. I liked it. Besides that was my first loss.

"Gee, even though he practically antagonised you, you're still happy for that?" Lucine said to me, but I grinned.

"I wanna know how losing feels like," I admitted, she gave a 'what? As in, I'm confused by you' face, but I just gave a smile.

"Well I gotta go home now," I said and ran towards my house, waving at her, and she waved back, although just a little.

Time skip

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!!" I yelled out. "Oh hey there, son!" My dad replied, being in the kitchen. I smiled at him.

My dad has two jobs, one being sitting in the office in the morning, then being a police officer during the afternoon. That way, we have plenty of salary. Oh, and he also plans to open up a restaurant.

"How was cardfighting, son?" He asked me, and I gave a thumbs up. "I lost for the first time!" I said and he gave me a smile.

"Well, losing is a good thing for you, since you never lost, even if you want to," he said, patting my head.

Yep. I never lost in anything. Giving up doesn't count as a loss. Go ahead and rant if it really is.

"Yep!" I said happily as I went into my room. "Welp, I'll change," I muttered as I closed the door and began to take off my uniform.

When I wore nothing but a pair of boxers, the door opened and there was my mom. "Holy Kradness! Mom!!" I yelled out, blushing and she closed the door with a chuckle.

My mom works in an office as well, only during the mornings. Afternoons, she's home, or gone shopping. She's also been a...little(?) too affectionate around me.

I sighed as I went and wore my clothes, which consist of a black t-shirt, blue pants and a blue robe over all that.

You can say I look a bit like a priest or someone out of the Vatican, but trust me, this robe acts as a fail-safe for me.

Considering the fact that I got nothing better to do, I decided to go and check out the storage for anything old.

When I got there...

"Oh wow. Everything is so neat," I said, impressed. Everything was stacked in boxes and was always labelled.

I decided to check out mine. It took some time, but I finally found my name in my old, childish, handwriting. It even has a lenny face at the corners of the boxes. Definitely mine.

I went and opened the loose lid, and you can say, everything hit me like nostalgia. There were trophies that stated that I'd won different tournaments, including Vanguard.

I smiled as I took out each and every one of them. There were even photos of me in my younger days. I was there, smiling like a little devil. There were flour all over my face, along with mom, dad and sis....and another person in the same age as I am?

"Who's this?" I muttered. This person was also smiling, having blonde hair and blue eyes, probably an American?

I went to look for mom or dad. Instead, I bumped into sis instead. "Ow. Sheesh, look next time, please," she said, but then I shoved the picture into her face.

"Do you know the boy over there?" I asked, pointing to the American-looking boy right beside me in the picture.

"Oh him. He's your cousin, Youkinako Max. Well, it's been a while since you guys saw each other, so your memory must be lacking," she said, patting my head.

'Thanks for the information, sis!" I said, smiling as I kissed her cheek and ran back to the storage.

When I got back, it was still intact, and I put the picture somewhere where I can see it. Not too far, not too close.

When I dug into the box even more, I found...a deck of cards? "Ara ara?" I muttered as I grabbed it, and instantly, I felt like electrocuted, except there was no pain. Nostalgia again.

"It's my old deck!!" I concluded, and yelled out, beforr I jumped up and down again and again in joy, hugging it.

Ever got that feeling when you finally found what you were looking for, even though you completely forgotten about it?

I looked through the deck, and it was exactly just like how I left it. Just to let everyone know, the name of the clan was Luck Depender.

This deck, in my younger times, was actually a common clan to know, but pretty hard to use, since it requires luck and complex guessing. That was also when Legion was introduced. Meaning: no stride whatsoever in Luck Depender. I guess the complaints got too much so they stopped making new cards for Luck Depender.

"Well, I miss this deck, so I'll be keeping this in my room," I said, smiling as I put everything but the photo and the deck back into the box.

This time, I got some tape and taped it to the lid of the box and put it back where I found it.

Nothing supernatural happened, but strangely, my parents said that they got a bonus and my sis is suddenly getting a date from some famous guy.

Me, I'm just glad that I got my deck back.

I set the photo into my old photo frame and smiled.

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