Chapter 30: Final Battle! Vanish Delete VS. Blaster

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Mesagi's POV

As soon as I reached the rooftop, it was night and I am exhausted. I gulped my own air, before I regained my composure. I looked at the one person in front of me. It was a male with fair skin. He looked at me, and I blinked. He had colourful eyes and his irises had a unique symbol: The Vanguard circle. He had chocolate brown hair. He also smiled, but the smile wasn't sincere, or happiness. It was sadism.

"I see you have managed to come here. But I wonder how good you really are," he said, holding onto a deck. The first card I saw was Sprout Deletor, Luchi. . . Wait, no way. It is him.

"Hizu Akihito. . . . The number 1 cardfighter of the world," I said out. He gave out a small laugh.

"Technically, me and Sekkutsu Stradivarius were always toe to toe, but he gave the position to me. Altruism? I guess so," he said.

"Now what're you standing there for? Hurry and cardfight me," he continued. I snapped out of it, before I took out my decks-



"Oh. He left his cards here," Chihaya said, looking at the cards on the field where she and Mesagi fought.

Back to Mesagi

I only took out the Royal Paladin deck. The improved one. Ah well. I don't have much choice.

. . . . . . . .

"Vanguard, Stand!!!"

"Stand the Vanguard!!"

"Marinngal!" - 4000

"Sprout Deletor, Luchi!" - 5000

"I'll be going first," Hizu said out. I nodded.

"Draw and ride Ferment Deletor, Gaen!"

Gaen: 7000

"Sliding back Luchi and I call Overeat Deletor, Onagil."

Luchi: 5000
Onagil: 7000

"Using Onagil's skill. Since I have a vanguard with Deletor in the vanguard, we both draw and discard."

Both fighters draw and discard a card.

"Using Onagil's skill again. It goes into the soul, and I bind the card from your drop zone."

"You're using Vanish Delete."

The card from the drop zone goes to the bind zone.

"I end my turn."

Hand: 4
Damage: 0
Soul: 1

Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Soul: 0
Bind: 1

"My turn. Draw and ride Knight of Steel Wing!"

Steel Wing: 6000

"Sliding back Marinngal and I call Blaster Friend, Barcgal."

Marinngal: 4000
Barcgal: 7000

"Boosted by Barcgal, Knight of Steel Wing attacks!"

Steel Wing: 13000

"I don't guard."

"Drive check."

Drive: Maiden of Divine Spring, Lien


Damage: Swift Deletor, Geali

"I end turn."

Vanguard, Stand!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat