chapter 3: I cardfight better than Yza Blade

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"Battle Sister, Waffle! (5000)"

"Guile Shade! (5000)"

"You chose Oracle Think Tank?!" The girl asked, shocked. "Why not?" I asked, tilting my head in confusion towards her. She kept silent.

"I'll go then. Draw and ride Battle Sister, Maple! (6000) Waffle moves back and end turn," I said, smiling brightly.

Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Soul: 0

??? (Female)
Hand: 5
Damage: 0
Soul: 0

"Draw and ride Swordmaster Mimic! (7000) Guile Shade goes back and boosts Swordmaster Mimic to attack Maple (7000+5000=12000)!" The girl said. "No guard," I replied. "Drive check. (Lord of the Seven Seas, Nightmist) no trigger." She muttered. "Damage. (Battle Sister, Chocolat) no trigger."

"End turn."

Hand: 5
Damage: 1
Soul: 0

??? (Female)
Hand: 6
Damage: 0
Soul: 0

"Mmm~! All this thing about waffles and maple..." one of the members said out loud, her stomach rumbling. We all stared at her.

'Isn't it supposed to be pancakes and maple?' I thought, sweat dropping. "Anyway, draw and ride! Battle Sister, Pannacotta! (9000) I call Battle Sister, Mocha (8000) and Pannacotta attacks first! I use her skill. I discard card a card in my hand with 'Battle Sister' and Pannacotta gets +5000! (9000+5000=14000)" I yelled out.

"No guard," she replied. "Drive check. (Battle Sister, Tiramisu, draw) draw trigger. Five thousand to Mocha and draw," I said, drawing a card.

"Dumb luck. Damage check. (Swordmaster Mimic) no trigger," she said, growling a bit. "Now since the attack hits, counter blast and draw two, and discard one," I said, drawing two cards and discarding one card.

"Mocha attacks with the boost from Waffle! And since I have more than 4 cards in hand, Mocha gets plus 3000! (21000)" I yelled out.

"No guard," she replied. "Damage check. (Howard The Ghostie, draw) draw trigger. Five thoussnd to my vanguard and draw," she continued.

'Darn,' I thought. "End turn."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1 (counter blasted)
Soul: 1

??? (Female)
Hand: 7
Damage: 2
Soul: 0

"My turn. Stand and draw," she said as she drew a card. "I ride Skeleton Cannoneer! (9000) call another Skeleton Cannoneer (9000) and boosted by Guile Shade, Vanguard Skeleton Cannoneer attack! (14000)" she said.

"No guard," I replied. "Drive check. (Rampage Shade, critical) critical trigger. Five thousand to my rearguard Skeleton Cannoneer and critical to my vanguard! (VSC: 2★, RSC: 14000)

"Well darn. Damage check. (Battle Sister, Chocolat) second (Battle Sister, Rusk) no trigger," I muttered but still smiled.

"What's wrong with that smile?" She asked, suspicious but shrugged it off soon after. "Ny rearguard Skeleton Cannoneer attack! (14000)"

"No guard. Damage check. (Battle Sister, Fromage) no trigger," I said, still smiling.

"End turn..."

Hand: 6
Damage: 4 (1 counter blasted)
Soul: 1

??? (Female)
Hand: 7
Damage: 2
Soul: 1

"Stand and draw," I said, drawing a card. "I ride Battle Sister, Monaka! (11000) I activate Limit Break! Discard a copy of Monaka and I check the top 5 cards and pick two cards," I said, dropping Monaka and take the top 5 cards from the deck.

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