Chapter 27: It Begins

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The next day. . . .

Practically everyone who's in the quarter finals actually decided to participate in Sekkutsu's quest.

"Thank you. We now will be-"

Before he could even say any more, the door began banging. As I was right in front of the door, I spun my chair around and looked at the door. The banging continued, and I knew something major was about to happen. After several seconds, the door broke, and cardfighters began flooding in. Just one glance and I realised one thing:

They were all Reversed.

"EVERYONE GET OUT!!! THERE'RE REVERSED!!!" I yelled out, and quickly ran out. I hope the others followed. I turned around and yes, they were following me. I then looked forward and stopped. In front of me was the Blaster Dark-clad woman. Her face was covered by the futuristic mask again.

"You're not going anywhere, Mesagi," she stated.

"Yeah, I gotta disagree with you there," I replied, and quickly, En Chyn was in front of me.

"I'll take care of her. You and Shouri keep going upstairs. That's where the ringleader is," he stated.

"But, what about the ot-" I turned around and saw that they were cardfighting the Reversed. Even Mr. Kagurai was as well, and I swore I saw him emit some sort of white aura, but it's probably a trick of my eyes. I felt my collar being pulled, and turns out, Shouri was dragging me, bypassing the lift.

"Uh, Shouri-"

"The lift's risky," Shouri quickly replied. I nodded and we both took the stairs, but halfway, some random ass woman blocked out way.

"Sorry buddies, but you won't get away."

"Mesagi. . ."

I stared at Shouri.

"You go upstairs."

"What?! No, you go upstairs instead!"

"Mesagi, you're the luckiest asshole I know in Vanguard, so if you need to beat the guy, beat 'im with your dumb luck, as you call it."

I took this in. Maybe this luck I have. . . Maybe, just maybe, it's a natural blessing given to me. Now I feel less guilty about being blessed lucky. I quickly ran past the woman, and soon reached the entrance to the rooftop, where yet another woman, same age as I am, was in front of me.

"No advancing further, baby."

"Uh. . . I'm 16, miss."

"Well then, let's cardfight."

"Eh? You cardfight?"

"Who doesn't? This building is full of strong cardfighters, but they're too easy to manipulate."

Hearing that really made my blood boil, as I took out my Oracle Think Tank, hell bent on taking this woman down.

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